An Old Friend

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"You're beautiful," He whispered, his hands tracing a line down your face, pulling your chin towards his and ghosting a soft kiss on your lips. You smiled against him, your cheeks glowing with blush. His body was warm up against yours, his skin soft and smooth. You were laying in his bed, surrounded by black sheets and cold air. He was watching you with his dark eyes, scanning over every inch of your skin. 

"And you're mine," he added, a genuine smile creeping across his lips.

"All yours," you whispered, melting towards him and nestling into his chest, listening to his strong heartbeat pound in his chest. It sped up as you grew closer, making you blush again. You felt safe as his giant arms wrapped around you, holding you to him. He clung to you like he never wanted you to leave, and you never wanted to either. You were home with him. He was your home...

You snapped out of your dream, sitting up abruptly. You looked around the room, searching for what had woken you up so suddenly, but nothing was there. The room was empty, silent. Nothing was out of place. Strange. You shook your head, rubbing your tired eyes. For a moment, you were free of all recollection of the night before. But only for a moment. All too quickly the memories came flooding back, instantly making your stomach drop. 

You need to leave. Secret. Scum. His words rang in your ears, haunting you. None of the embarrassment had faded, and you grimaced as you went through each moment in your mind, each one worse than the last. What was even worse was that even after all of that, you still found yourself urning for him. For his touch. For his voice in your ear. For his body against yours...

Stop, you ordered yourself, rolling your eyes. You needed to forget about him, or at least stop thinking about him so much. After all, he could still hear you. If he was going to listen, he needed to hear all of the terrible things you thought about him. That he was a monster. A murderer. A cold hearted, worthless man. That you hated him more than anyone in the world. That he would never get to touch you again. But deep down, you knew he didn't care what you thought about him. Because to him, you didn't matter. You never had. 

Groaning, you pulled yourself out of bed. You made your way to the bathroom, pulling your hair into a pony-tail. Looking in the mirror, you stared at yourself. You were a mess--your face puffy and swollen from crying so damn much. Your eyes were surrounded by dark circles, and your usual cheery-looking face was pulled into a deep frown. Maybe this was his plan all along, you thought to yourself, to make you feel like you had an ally in all of this just to rip it all away from you as soon as you felt comfortable. But on second thought, you doubted that he'd even thought it through that much. He probably hadn't thought about it at all.

Walking back out into your room, your eyes fell onto something new. A pile of clothes, folded perfectly on the couch. You tentatively picked through them, realizing quickly that it was a uniform. A First Order uniform. Sanitation, the name tag read in white letters. You furrowed your brows, confused. First off, when had someone dropped off a uniform? Second, since when did you work in sanitation? A note sat on the couch next to the clothes, enveloped in a black envelope and sealed with a glossy red stamp. The symbol of the First Order. You picked it up, ripping it open and starting to read. 

You have been selected to participate in our prisoner reconditioning program. You will be working in our Sanitation department, effective immediately. You are to report to the command center at exactly 3:00 today to begin your training. If you do not comply, there will be extreme consequences. 

"What the-," you scoffed, tossing the letter aside and beginning to pace. Prisoner reconditioning? What was the supposed to mean? It made more sense for them to kill you. There was absolutely no reason for you to still be alive. You'd served your purpose. Kylo had gotten the information from you. He didn't need you anymore. But now, you were supposed to work for the First Order. As a janitor? It didn't make any sense. 

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