chapter 8.

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Leslie's pov:

I woke up and checked my phone its 8a.m

Today is my date with cameron. I wonder where he is gonna take me and how in the world is he gonna prove that he isn't selfish. Anyways we better do something fun. I stood up and went to go brush my teeth. Then I brushed my hair and did it in a lazy bun then I went to the kitchen. The guys are still sleeping. Oh well. I'ma eat and they can make their own breakfast when they wake up. *ring ring* "hello?"-me. "Hey les. I came to the studio to record songs. And start packing up when I get back later we are going to our own house!"-austin. "Our own house?"-me. "Ya we just got a house."-austin. "Ok. Um I'ma go out. And if I'm not there can you just go to my room and grab my suitcase plz?!!"-me. "Ya. And I gotta go bye."-austin. He hung up. A house? That's awesome. I went to the fridge and grabbed some bacon and eggs. I turned on the stove and made myself eggs with bacon. I turned the stove off and served my food in a plastic plate. I grabbed some juice and sat down and ate.

After I finished I went to the living room.

*Bing bing* I checked my phone.
From camerom:
Good morning. We are going out at 2 in the afternoon.
To cameron:
Where are we going?
From cameron:
You'll see ;)
To cameron:
Ok? See you later.
From cameron:
I'll see you later.

With that i watched TV till 12:30. I went to take a shower and came out. I put on my high waisted jeans and a black sweater that says "I love weekends" I blow dried my hair and then brushed it. I but on some mascara and my black high top shoes.

I checked my phone and it was 1:59 and I had a new message.
From Cameron:
I'm here.
Camerons pov:

I arrived at the hotel where she was staying. I texted her.
To leslie:
I'm here.

She did.t respond.  I waited a little bit longer. Then she came out. Wow she looked beautiful even tho she wasn't wearing nothing fancy. I got out my car fast and opened the car door for her.

"Thanks"-her. She got in and I ran to the other side and got in. "Hey."-me. "Hey."-her. I started driving. She was quiet.

"Why are you so quiet?"-me. "I don't know there is just nothing to talk about."-her.

"Oh. Um so we're here"-me. I said as we parked. "An animal shelter?"-her. "Uh ya. Remember I'ma show you I'm not selfish?"-me. "Ya"-her.
Leslie's pov:

We are at an animal shelter. "Ya"-I told him. He got off and ran to my side and opened the dopr far me. I got off and we started walking. He opened the door for me. I got in and then him. "Hey cameron."-the lady at the front desk said. "Hey ms.diaz"-he said. "How does she know your name?"-me. "He comes here every weekend sweetie!"-ms.diaz said. "Wow you do?"-me. I never thought he would. Maybe he's not that selfish after all. "Ya I do!"-him.

"All right you lovebirds let me get you guys to what you will do today!"-ms.diaz. "she just called us lovebirds!"-I whispered to cameron. "I know."-he whispered back smirking. Ughh haha. She showed us a room full of adorable puppies. "Oh my god puppies!!!"-me. I ran to one of the puppies and started petting it. It was a yorkie. I've always wanted a yorkie. She's so small and fluffy. And awww. "Awww. She's so adorable."-me. "I know her name is lulu"-he said smiling. "When I first got here I loved all the puppies but lulu was my favorite she was left alone In the streets. And they found her."-him. "Ohh that's sad"-me. "Ya it is. Who would do such a thing?!"-him. "I don't know bad people!"-me. "Well ya."-him. "Let's start working"-I said as I put my hair on a ponytail. We did. Cameron cleaned their cages while I played with them and fed them. "Come here boy. Your so cute oh yes you are"-I said. Cameron chuckled and laughed. I turned around and I glared at him. "Oh shut up. You wish you were the puppy right now!"-me. He then stopped laughing and looked at me shocked. I started laughing. He came and kneeled in front of me. "So what if I wished that?"-he said smirking. I start blushing. Oh god Leslie stopped blushing you can't like him. "Why can't you like me?"-he said with a confused face. Omg I said that out loud. Well done leslie. "Uhhhh I....uhhh.."-me. "You what? Be honest!"-him. "Fine I promised myself to not like you!"-me. "Oh. You said like not love"-he said. "Sorry um I don't believe in love"-I said looking down. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. I felt warm hands on my chin. Cameron took my face in his hands. I remembered that last time.
Flash back:

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