chapter 1

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Leslie's POV:

I woke up to the sound of my phone ring.

I grabbed my phone and it was a message.
From Austin:
Meet me in Starbucks in 20.
To Austin:

I got up and took a quick shower. I dried myself and but on my black sweatpants a with crop top that says #selfie and put on my white vans. I brushed my hair and didn't put make up at all. I went down stairs and grabbed my keys. I went to the driveway and hoped in my camero.
Skip car drive..

I parked and hoped of the car. I walked into Starbucks and Austin was sitting in a booth drinking a coffee and looking Down at his phone. there was a vanilla bean frappé in front of him. I sat down and he looked up. "Hey"-Austin "hey! Why did you ask me to meet you here?"-me "I got good news!!"-Austin "what's the good news?"-me "soo.....I got a record deal! Leslie I'ma be famous!!!"-Austin. He said it in so much happiness. He's always wanted to be a singer. I'm so happy for him. "Omg. I'm so happy for you austin!"-me "and I'm going on tour and i want you to come with me on tour with zach, robert, and alex! So do you want to?"-Austin he said it so excited. What should I say?! Eeyyyyhhh! Wait what about my family and school??!! "Umm I..yass!!! Yay!! I'd so want to go!!! But what about school?"-me "yay your coming! And school we are gonna get a teacher to come with us and teach us!"-Austin "OK. When are we leaving?"-me "today is wensday. So..we leave on friday!"-austin "ok. Can you come with me to go break the news to my mom about going on tour with you? Please austin?!"-me I said it with a puppy face. "Fine I'll go! Only because you did the puppy face and I can't say no to that!"-austin "yay! Let's go!! Did you bring your car?"-me "no I came walking!"-Austin "alright let's go!"-me we stood up and threw our coffee away. We went to my car and went to my place.
Skip car drive......

We got of the car. And walked in my house. My mom and dad were watching tv.

"Hey Leslie! and austin?"-my mom greeted me. "Hey mom! Um Me And Austin got news!"-me "you guys aren't dating right?"-my mom said curious. "Noo mom. It's something else."-me "oh ok. So what is it."-mom "ok. Ummm...Austin got a record deal and he's gonna be famous!!"-me

"Oh Austin that's great!"-mom " ya I know! But um there's an other part to that great news. Les??"-Austin. Austin calls me Les ever since we were little. Idk why but he does. How am I going to tell my mom that I'm leaving with Austin on tour?! "Les?"-austin. He snapped me out of my thought.

"Huh? Uhh yeah?!"-me "aren't you gonna tell her the other news?"-austin. "Oh hehe ya that! Um I um I...I..."-me "Leslie I don't got all day"-mom. "Ok I'm just gonna say this fast. Austinisgoingontourandimleavingwithhim!!"-me. "What?? Leslie I didn't understand you at all say it slow this time!"-Mom.

"Ugh fine!! Austinnn iss going onn tourr onn fridayy andd I'mm leavingg withh himm!!"-me "what? You can't go! What about school?"-mom. "Oh about that...Austin and I and the guys are gonna be schooled during the tour!"-me next thing you know my little 11yr old brother bursts in screaming. "Yyaasssssss!! Wwhoooo! Leslie is leaving. Yay. No more leslie! I'm the oldest now!!"-my lil brother

Jason says. "Like I'm soo gonna miss you. Just kidding I won't!"-I say in my brothers face! "Wait where are you going?"-Jason

"I'm going in tour with austin. Austins famous now!!"-me. "WHAT?? Mom can I go too?! Please?!!"-Jason starts whining.

"no only leslie is gonna go. You have school!"-mom. I stick my tounge out at my brother and run upstairs. I go to my room and start packing! I packed my favorite pj's

And my favorite shoes and shirts. Gosh I'm so excited! I can't wait!! *knock.knock*

"WHO IS IT??" I scream. "IT'S MEE. AND YOU DON'T HAVE TO SCREAM YOU KNOW?!"-austin "I know gosh. Haha. You didn't have to scream either!!"-me "I know I just felt like it"-Austin. I swear he's so weird sometimes. Just like me. Aha.

"Ok?! Haha. I don't wanna be mean but you need to leave I need to finish packing!"-me "couldn't you be any more rude?"-austin. "Haha. Ookkk. Well.."-me

"Fine I'll leave. Bye. I'll ask your mom for a ride."-austin. "Bye!"-me. Wow geesh finally some alone time. I put some music on. I put on sledgehammer by fifth harmony.

I start dancing and packing up! 1 more day till I leave this annoying house. I finish packing and I go put on my pj's and brush my teeth. I dropped myself on my bed and pass out!

Who him or me?(Austin Mahone fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ