Prologue pt 1

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Kishi pov

Father- it's time for bed

Ayeme- tell us a story please?

He was about to say no but he saw there pleading eyes

Father- well alright, I'll tell you a story about a raven with red eyes

Kishi- like mom's?

Father- yes like your mother's,this a story about it bringing peace to her country

Ayeme-  was it only one to bring peace in her country?

Father- not to spoil it let's just say she had a little help by a flower lost in sadness

Ayeme- is the flower always sad

Father- no the raven is the one who brings the flower back from sadness

The beginning

A/n- a house is burning in the distance baby you is under a tree


Solider- sir all of the traitors have been killed

???- any witnesses?

Solider- no sir

???- good everyone move out

Soliders- yes sir

Second in command- azazel I found a survivor

Azazel- you know what we do with them kill them

Second in command- but sir it's a baby

Azazel- a baby? Soliders " signals them to stop"

Second in command- I found him under a tree maybe they were trying to hide him

Azazel- bring him here nano

Nano- yes sure

" she comes up to me with a baby with h/c hair "

Nano- what do we do with him? I think we should take him to an orp-

Azazel- And waste the potential this young lad has? No, he can be the perfect assassin

Nano-  You're keeping him alive to keep turn him into an Imperial assassin

Azazel- you have any objections

Nano- n-no sir

Azazel- good everyone we are done here move out

Timeskip training azazel pov

"Walking through the cells"

Guard- general azazel you here to see him again

Azazel- yes

Guard- yes sir right this way

" walking to his cell"

Azazel- how long since he's eaten

Guard- six days

"  Arriving at cell"

Azazel- get up it's time for training then you can eat

Timeskip forest y/n pov

"Azazel throws me a wooden sword "

Azazel- attack me !

" I run at him but he kicks me away "

Azazel- weak, again

" I get up and try again but this time he throws me"

Azazel- again!

" I try again and he hits me with the sword "

Azazel- that's all for now  " throwing a knife towards me "

" I look at him confused "

Azazel- you wanna eat find it, there's some danger beast nearby kill it,cook it, and return back

" I  Nod at him "

Timeskip nightfall azazel pov

Eating and drinking with captain orge

Orge- so that new project of yours is it going well ?

Azazel- we shall see,nano

Nano- yes sir

Azazel- what did your spys fi-

" door burst open and low and behold "

Azazel- how was the hunt?

" you through the head of the danger beast you killed "

Azazel- good, report back to your cell

" you nod and walk out"

Nano- sir don't you think you're being harsh on the boy

Azazel- what boy

Orge- your turning into a weapon!

Azazel- the boy is trained to kill and will do so for the emperor your feminine emotions have no place for a weapon

Nano- thats very sexis-

Azazel- you are excused for the day

Cell y/n pov

" I'm sitting in my cell waiting to be summoned for training but then my cell door opens"

Nano- azazel is out looking for  the resistance bace so today I'll training you today

" I get up  and follow her "

Capital y/n pov

Nano- today you will be helping me shop

Y/N- that is not training

Nano-  do you question your superior?

Y/N- no miss

Nano- good so let's get to it

A/n- you buy a bunch of food materials but then you spot a little girl with red hair and yellow eyes cry girl not akame

Y/N- are you lost

" girl nod tears in tears her eyes "

Y/N- nano do I have your permission to help to this girl

Nano- yes you may report back when you're done

" I nod and take the girls hand and she blushes "

Timeskip y/n pov

" After an hour  of searching I hear a voice call "

???- mina

" I turn around to see a woman who looks similar"

Mina- mommy

" she runs towards  the woman "

Mina's mom- thank you-

" I was nowhere to be seen "

Cell y/n pov

" I walked into my cell and the door closes behinds me"

A/n- and of prologue part 1 hope you  enjoyed and see for part 2

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