Chapter 23 - Where Have You Been

Start from the beginning

"Cazzo!" I swear as I sit up quickly and close my painful eye.

"I'm sorry! I couldn't aim away from your eye," Damian says as he tries to comfort me. I get up and go to the bathroom quickly, my erection now gone. I wash my face under the sink and try to rinse my eye but it stings so much and hurts to blink.

"It hurts so much," I say and Damian hugs me from behind.

"I'm sorry, just keep rinsing it," he says and I do as he says. After a few rinses it's feeling a bit better so Damian gets me to turn around so he can look at my eye. "It's very red but it looks okay. I'll get something for you to hold over it."

He gets me some tissue with warm water and holds it over my eye.

"Why does this keep happening to us? First you hit your head and now I get your cum in my eye. You are bad luck," I say and he laughs.

"We broke the choker, that's a good thing," he says and I roll my eyes.

"But now I am in pain! Can we please go to bed so I can pretend this did not happen?" I ask and he nods. He takes me to bed and turns the lights off before he cuddles into my back. I like being the little spoon with Damian, he is very cosy.


"What happened to your eye?" Luca asks when I go down for breakfast in the morning.

"Nothing," I grumble as Damian sits next to me at the large table.

"It doesn't look like nothing," he says and I push him away when he tries to look closer. He leaves me alone as I start eating the toast on my plate.

Everyone is here for breakfast which includes Stefano who is giving me very dirty looks. Before he gets a chance to say anything to me I hear the front door open and slam closed. We all stand up apart from Damian and I reach for the gun in my waistband. I go in front and go to the entrance hall with the gun raised. I turn the corner and sigh in relief when I see Lorenzo. He's covered in bruises and is limping as he walks but he's alive and that's all that matters.

"Where have you been?" I ask loudly as I put the gun away.

"Fuck off," he mumbles and tries to go to his room but I step in the way.

"Why did you go missing? Why are you beaten up?" I ask but he pushes me out of the way and storms upstairs. I follow after him with Luca and Matteo behind me. Gio is trying to come with us but he can't walk yet so I can hear him arguing with Emilio to get him to carry him up.

"Enzo! Talk to me!" I demand as I follow him to his room. I catch the door before he slams it and go inside with Luca.

"Leave me alone!" He shouts and drops to sit on his bed. He hides his face in his hands as we stand in front of him.

"What happened?" Luca asks but he ignores him.

"Are you okay?" Matteo asks and Enzo shakes his head no. He looks up and I frown when I see tears around his eyes. Enzo never cries.

"I'm gay," he mumbles.

"What?" We all say at the same time.

The Mafia Have Feelings Too (ManXman) {BDSM}Where stories live. Discover now