Chapter 17: Winging It

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Hello, all my lovelies!!   I'm happy, wanna know why??  CHECK OUT MY PROFILE PAGE! I have over 100 votes, and this book, alone, has over 1,000 reads!!!!!!!!!  YOU GUYS ARE SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! 

On a different note, sorry about the wait.  I'm struggling to not fall behind in school, and I'm co-writing two stories while thinking up another story while learning to drive..... that's a list, huh?  But, still, I feel bad...... THANKS FOR ALL THE PATIENCE!!!!!!!!! GOD BLESS Y'ALL AND HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ><>  @~

Oh! One more thing..... I screwed up.... So, Dishaln, sounds like Lishaln, the town I made up earlier...... yeah, dumb moment of me..... So, the dude's name is now Diszran.  I like that better anyways!  ^_^  But, still, I feel bad since this is the third name I have changed.... though the first time was a good reason since I didn't want to coppy someone else's good, hard work.... this one, however, was just my stupidity... ^_^  So, happy reading!!


We traveled till the sun lowered its tired head to the ground. We set camp up sort of hidden away and out of the path that some guards might look. Since my sleep schedule was already screwed up, I had agreed to take first watch. It was the least I could do; these people had been searching for me for about two days now. They were bound to be worn out from all of this.

So, Now, I am leaning against a hard tree. I love the trees here, but I'm not sure why. Maybe it is because they are such an interesting sight. The “bark” on the tree is more like scales. I trace the intertwining cracks with my long claw. Then, gently, I stroke the scales of the tree with the tip of my finger. It is so... so smooth.

Careful not to damage the tree, if that is possible, I rub it with my entire hands. It feels like a smooth disk with just a bunch of cracks. So neat.

I let out a quiet sigh, and look around me. The thick woods will provide a good shelter, and hopefully will give us some time to plan.


I look over the sleeping bodies around me. I half close one of my eyes, and try to place them out. Listin is the first one I find. I am convinced that she and Tiyan are at least cousins. They have the same face shape and figure. By the way they act, however, I'm leaning more towards the fact that she may be Tiyan's older sister.

I find these people kind of odd. The older ones, I understand, but Listin and Tiyan are young girls, but...well... they don't have the figures of young girls. Tiyan has my figure while Listin has the figure of a sixteen year old. The only way I can tell their true age is their faces. They don't even act their age. None of them do!

Well, that is what being a slave does to people, I guess. Makes them grow up a heck of a lot faster. I should know.

I look away from the Listin and skip over Tiyan since I had been thinking of her along with Listin. Those two were the youngest, because the next one was my age. Torth. He's more of a quiet and reserved kind of a guy. Well, they all were actually. The most talkative person was Brean, and that was just because he is the oldest and the most experienced. After him, it was Listin. I think her problem is she is tired of shutting her mouth, so she is letting her mouth go free. Trust me, she has gone loose. 

The next most talkative was the young man that talked to me earlier. That wasn't saying much, but ah well. Siyeth was a young seventeen year old man who didn't want to shut up, but couldn't find the right words. I found him slightly attractive with his blonde hair and blue, gem eyes. However, I'm not here for romance. Maybe Someday, but not today.

Running Away From One Thing, and Into Another.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora