Chapter 12: Enchanting

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So, didn't proof this.  Feel free to (Kindly) tell me of  any errors.  =)  I'm switching chapter 9's picture for one of Massetta instead of Tacia.   To get a pic of tacia, use the link in my comment.  ^_^   Enjoy! O, and for DalekEmperor663 for being a fan of mine.  =)  Thank you!!  Enjoy, and God Bless!!


“Wake up, we're here.” I slowly open my eyes to the order, and find myself hunched over Azjin. Confused, I sit up. I try and ask who ever it was speaking where I am, but when I talk, it is muffled because of the gag.

Wait, what?

I try and think clearly but I can't. I glance down to find Azjin leaning on my shoulder, still asleep, and my hands tied. I try and think backwards, but I can't remember all that happened.

“Will you wake up all ready!” Snapped Massetta, and I jerk my head to look at her. When I see her getting off her horse, I quickly remember. Oh, the-

“Where is here?” Azjin asks with her groggy voice.

“Well if Tacia had payed attention, she would be able to tell you.” Massetta grumbles as she began untying our hands from the reins. I roll my eyes, and let her untie me. Instead, I focus on “here.”

I don't know how it escaped me before, but now I see it clearly. A large, stone building with what looks like a creamy color with dark green vines painted on it. It looks huge, I can't tell how many stories it is. Maybe two or three? Possibly four? Either way, it is magnificent and lovely. A hidden treasure that is so deep in the woods, it must belong to royal people of some sort. On top, there is a balcony that I know I will enjoy, maybe Azjin too. Possibly Massetta, but is she a woman of joy? I don't think so, the very thought of joy to her may make her die before her heart can beat.

After Massetta takes the gag off, I let it out. “You do realize you didn't have to gag me, right?”

She shrugs, “I didn't have to hear you down here, so I'm perfectly fine.”

Selfish pig.

After I'm down, I stretch as much as I can, considering my hands are still tied. Azjin, is flopped down beside me with her hands tied just as well. “So where are the dragons?” I ask, listening for women babbling on about how in love they are.

“Probably inside.” Massetta answers as she grabs my arm and starts dragging me.

“I can walk by myself.” I snap, and jerk my arms away. She glares, but to my relief says nothing. “So where is here?” I repeat Azjin's question, preparing for another jab.

“After it became a tradition, the dragonesses made a “staying house,” as they called it. When their mates were discovered, and when old enough, the females would come here to stay until the mating bridge came.” I wrinkle my nose at the name. As weird as Jalz may be, it's better than mating bridge. The name just makes me feel... odd.

Massetta ignores my reaction, which I hope isn't plain for all to read on my forehead, and snatches a key from her pocket. “How do you have a key?” Azjin asks while tilting her head.

“I was given the key, stupid.” Massetta mumbles, and I have to bite my tongue to not say anything.

“I'm not a dog.” Azjin says calmly, “Please don't treat me like one.”

Massetta raises an eyebrow, but ignores the little brown haired girl. I don't show any emotion except for a small smile when Azjin looks up for my approval of how she handled it. She did a lot better than I would have.

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