Chapter 11: Away From Here

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I honestly HATE doing this... but I gotta explain.

I have to change some names, just giving you an FYI. Quaten is A LOT like a character's name in another name (Qatan) and I had forgotten about him. So Quaten is going to be Quaden. Not a whole lot, but I changed it some. Tiyare is was something like "Altiyare" So it is going to be Talyare. ^_^ Y'all are so nice to have read this!! God bless! @~

The dedication, btw, is to HaleyWrite18, thank you for being my 11th fan!! 


Azjin and I stay for many days at Massetta and Jason's house. Days turn to weeks. Weeks turn to months. Soon, two months have passed, and I am now in the library listening to Massetta drone on about Siyare. During those two months, Azjin had healed well. I know there is a scar there, but it should remain unnoticed under her dress. I too have healed well. Jason had said it would have been better if my leg had been stitched up, but since it was healing on its own so well, he didn't fool with it. Another thing that has come by me is something that I have always wanted to do, but never had the privilege to learn; reading.

Even though I am still a slave, at least I am a slave with abilities that most take for granted. Though it was long, and difficult, especially with Massetta teaching it all horribly, I have been able to read small stuff. It became easier when Azjin decided to help me, knowing all ready how to read.

“Tacia, listen!” Massetta's shrill voice strikes through the air. Wincing at her pitch, I nod, but I don't see how Talyare's history will benefit me. Just take care of love sick dragon, be a dragon slave, travel all the time, and yada yada yada. How was their stupid history suppose to help out with that? Are they going to give me trivia or something?

The only interesting thing about it is how it affects Jeroth. Explorers, Vikings, and other kinds of people can't even see it. I find it ironic how they are searching for land, and they are passing right through a large, strong country. When there aren't enough dragons, however, they can see it somewhat, it just looks extremely clouded. Makes them think that it is just their imagination. Massetta even said that on the shores of Jeroth, you can see them. Though they look like phantoms.

I mentally shake my head. Great, their craziness is rubbing off on me. Get a grip, Tace, there is no such thing as dragons, or Talyare, this is all just plain madness! What I need to be thinking about it how to get out of-

“Tacia, I shall not let you go there uneducated!” I sigh and roll my eyes.

“What's the point? I just recently learned how to read, I can only take so much information, Massetta.”

“Not my fault you were a filthy, ignorant slave.” She smirks and leaves the room with loud stomps. My hands transforms into fists, and I gently beat one against my right side to calm myself down.

Filthy slave? Ignorant slave? I am no longer a slave! I ran away, and I will no longer be a slave! Not to you, not to Targon, not to Niam, Naron, or even Azjin! And I will most definitely not be a slave to an over grown lizard with wings that coughs up fire and isn't even real!

In my anger, I kick over the chair that I was recently sitting in. The blasted thing wasn't even comfortable! I storm off, slamming the door, and ignoring its groans. I stomp up the stairs and into the guest room that Azjin and I share. The hard wooden floors are shiny, and slippery, proclaiming that it has been recently waxed.

Running Away From One Thing, and Into Another.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora