Chapter 21: Observing the Past and Dreams for the Future

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Hiya,  =)  I know, early for me.  I thought y'all deserved an early chapter since, well, I've been REALLY late lately.  =)  THANK YOU ALL FOR STILL READING THIS!  Every read is comforting, every comment makes me smile, and every vote makes me want to jump up and down.  =)  Thank you all.  God bless!!


“Where should I start, jalz?” Marzack asks while lying down in a more comfortable position.

“The drig, if that is fine with Tacia.” I had forgotten that Brean was here. I simply nod my head and sit by Brean while waiting fore the tale.

“I am an old dragon.” He states above all else. “The drig is not old, but not exactly new.”

“How did he come to be?” I ask again, not wanting to go into useless details.

“Patience!” Marzack growls, but otherwise, shows no other signs of aggression. Even so, I softly growl in my throat. He pays no attention to it, however.

“He was once a talyarian. He studied the jalz and dragons. Not the being themselves, but the magic they possessed. He thought it unfair how a jalz, who was nothing but a human in one world, could be so powerful in this land.”

“His curiosity reached a new level as he studied them. It became an obsession. He filled in probably hundreds of books with his notes, and dived into thousands of books with other notes contained in them. His obsession led him to stalk certain dragons that seemed to posses large amounts of magic. And when a jalz came, he payed much attention to his or her training.”

He pauses before continuing. Marzack takes in a deep breath before continuing. “None noticed these strange actions since he was already an odd fellow. We were only wary when we noticed... disappearances.”

I tilt my head. “What kind of disappearances? Dragon or jalzen?” I ask.

He hesitates, trying to remember. “At first, a jalz. A young lady. We had just trained her to use the magic, and Leah was ready to leave the next day. We waited for her at the Jalz Door, but she never came. We became concerned when it was in the late afternoon and she was still gone. So we searched and searched for her, but she was no where. When we were beginning to loose hope, we heard a scream in the flower garden. Immediately, we rushed over there. There, in the beautiful Dalzas, lied Leah cut up and bloody. The servant that had found her was in shock and terrified.”

“We didn't know if another jalz would return since this was the first jalz to die in Talyare. We waited and waited, growing more and more fearful as months passed us by only to be full of joy again when an older woman stepped cautiously into our world.”

“ Afraid that the killer was still alive, we watched over her carefully and never let her leave anyone's sight. Sadly, she wasn't the only one killed but the dragon watching her over during the night.”

“We were growing more and more nervous. We couldn't find the body of the dragon that was murdered, but lying in her bed was the jalz all cut up and bloody. We looked all over our world, near and far, for the dragon's body just so we could at least allow his former mate to burn his body as tradition calls for. His body was no where.”

“We were all puzzled. When the next jalz came, a young man, we guarded him with two strong males willing to give their lives to keep him safe.” He pauses, and sighs a shaky sigh. “And they did give their lives, but the jalz's life was lost too. Like last time, the jalz's body was found in his bed, but the dragons were gone. We didn't even search much for them, despite their mates protest. It was just no use.”

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