Jack x Reader | Gaming Buddies

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Please know that this Oneshot will be a bit short. Also I don't play a lot of these kinds of games so oof.

Your POV

I finally got home from school and log onto my Steam account, with the amazing username of 'Sniping_ShooterBae', looking to see if my friends are online. I notice that one of my best friends with the username of 'SantaFerocious' is online. Although I have never met him in real life, he's still one of my best friends I've ever had.

I send him a DM asking him if he wants to play Halo, which he responds to with a 'Yes'. I hop onto Halo and join a game with him. 

"Did you just get back from school?" He asks me over DM.

"Yeah do you wanna voice chat?" I ask him and soon get a request from him to voice chat. Being a college student means that I have to be a bit quiet when I talk, but luckily my roommate's out with friends right now.

"Hey, Santa," I say, using the nickname I gave him before learning that his username was about Santa Fe and not Santa, the Christmas dude.

"Sup, Bae. How was school?" He asks, using the nickname he gave me. I walk around in-game and find him.

"It was fine. College sucks, you feel me?" I ask. We start walking into the killing zone and start attacking all the monsters we see, working in harmony as always.

"Amen. My roommate can be a total jerk. All he does is party, bring back girls, and pass out playing his music as loud as possible," he says, which makes me chuckle.

"That must suck to be you. My roommate really just leaves to go hang out with friends or have study sessions. Meanwhile I just hang out the dorm all day," I say. I watch as someone sneaks up behind him in game. "S, Behind you!"

His character quickly turns around and shoots the monster, while I'm still sniping down people from the top of the ruined buildings.

"Thanks. But let me ask, since you're majoring in psychology, what's it like?" He asks. I snipe down the last guy and switch to my shotgun.

"It's pretty tough. And I'll be doing the same work for another six years. What about you? You never told me what you're majoring, so what do you major?" I ask him as we start to kill off the remaining monsters.

"That's a secret for another day. Don't talk to strangers online and stuff," he says and I can practically hear the smirk on his face through the mic.

"I mean, I get why you wouldn't tell me why because we don't know each other Irl, but we're both just college kids. I'm twenty, you're twenty one, the only thing we really don't know is each other's names, addresses, what school we go to, and that kind of personal info," I explain. I shoot the last monster and we head to the exit, where we walk to the next stage.

"Yeah, you're right. But we're just gaming buddies, and we won't see each other in real life, so we wouldn't need to know that," Santa explains as we start dominating every monster in sight.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," I say in defeat.

After playing in silence for about a minute, a loud airhorn goes off. No doubt by some of those jackass boys who love being annoying. I try to ignore the noise, but I can even hear it through my headphones. Wait. The noise is also coming from the headphones. It's being picked up on his mic.

"Bae, is that an airhorn?" Santa asks.

"Yeah, is that an airhorn for you too?" I ask him, feeling a tad bit of fear and excitement at just the idea of him being near me. And just as the airhorn stops in real life, it stops for him too.

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