Biking over, in the helmet Arlo bought her, she walked her bike up to the door and doorbelled. There was a car outside in front of their house, the lights on and a person sitting in there.

She immediately heard barking from inside the house. The door opened, a woman holding a doe-eyed toddler on her hip, holding back a tiny chihuahua with her foot.

"You're the babysitter, right? Come in."

Parking her bike in the driveway, she walked into the foyer, her helmet under her arm.

The house seemed nice. Glass door to a big backyard, a sandbox outside, a big kitchen with granite counters, a large family room with a flat screen TV, hard wood floors, the house had a homey, modern look to it all. A little girl with light purple hair sat on the couch, watching cartoons on that TV.

"He's allergic to peanuts, he eats solids, not really picky," she was brought to the kitchen, placing her helmet on the island, "he likes milk, and still needs to be fed."

Brought upstairs, she was shown their rooms. One had a small, racecar bed in it, with a lamp, a drawer, and glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling, a window on the left with blinds.

The other had pink flower lamps on the walls, a princess bed, a walk-in closet, and baskets of toys.

"My daughter downstairs, really likes Areos. They both need to be in bed before 11, she doesn't have allergies, and we'll be back by maybe midnight." Handing off the toddler, Zayd, to her, she walked down the stairs.

Liana followed, carrying the toddler that seemed okay with her. When she got to the bottom, the dog was with the little girl on the couch.

"Remember to feed the dog, his food's in a cabinet under the counter. They both need dinner, the dog can't climb stairs, he needs to be let out in the backyard before you put him in his kennel. Roofy's potty-trained, Zayd still wears diapers but he can walk. I'll be back soon, okay?" Opening the door, the mother called, "I love you, don't cause trouble!" before closing the door, locking it.

"We're gonna have fun," she smiled at the toddler on her hip, who just started crying.


Her phone decided to vibrate just then, receiving a call. Accepting the call, she held it between her ear and shoulder as she walked to the kitchen.

"It's okay, mommy will be back soon," she cooed. "Talk to me," she said to the caller.

"Hey. What are you doing?"

"Babysitting right now. Just a bit away from you, actually, these two kids."

"Alright. See you." He hung up, leaving those words to make her wonder what the heck he meant with "see you". Was he going to look for her and show up?

Placing her phone on the counter, she worked on getting him to stop crying and went to the little girl on the couch. He stopped, burying his head into her shoulder. "Hiya! Wanna play upstairs?"

"That depends," she drawled, "what is it?"

"... Well," she recalled their rooms, "I was thinking that we play with toys and make a story with princesses, cars, and horsie rides. Wanna come?"

Turning off the TV, she hopped off the couch and held the tiny dog. "Can we play with Roofy too?"

"Your dog? Yeah, he can come! Let's go!"

Gwen ran up the stairs. Liana followed her, walking up.

"We're gonna play tonight, buddy."

The clock read 8:32 PM.

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