Chapter TwentyTwo

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Owen and I go home after the devastating news.

"Owen, I'm so so sorry" I say, he shakes his head, pulling me into him, both our eyes red and puffy from crying "Holland don't blame yourself, there's nothing you could've done and it's ok, we'll pull through this, I love you through thick and thin, I mean it, Holland I'm not going anywhere. We're gonna get married and we're gonna have like 5 beautiful kids and they're gonna love you so much. You're gonna be a great mom" says Owen.

Fuck I'm crying again. He wipes my tears and kisses me. "I'm being paved, you stay here and rest, it's been a rough day" continues Owen. He kisses me one last time before retreating and I'm left on my own, feeling nothing but pain.

I get into one of Owens sweatshirts and a pair of shorts, I get into bed and hug my knees as I watch Harry Potter from the Philosophers Stone onwards. I cry for a while and then I'm filled with anger. I get dressed and head out to the local police station, hoping they'd have information on the one man I really want to kill right now

I walk up the front desk and I'm greeted by a smiling man, he can't be any older than 19 "hi, I was wondering if you have any information on Jeremiah Clarrington?" I ask, the boy looks up at me "can I ask why?" Asks the boy in a cracked voice "he's my ex boyfriend and the other day the police arrested him for physical abuse to me" I reply, he grimaces and nods "what's your name?" Asks the boy "Holland Jenkins, the man who called the cops is Owen Hunt but he's not with me today, he's at work" I reply, he nods as he types a few things "I'm Graham by the way" introduces Graham, I nod

"He's locked in cell 2, would you like to visit?" Asks the boy, I nod, gulping because I never thought I would get this far. Graham leads me to Jeremiah's holding cell and I feel my anxiety build up

"Clarrington you have a visitor" says Graham, Jeremiah looks over and a cold grin forms on his face as he sees me "what a surprise, I'd say are you here for round two Blondie but I'm kinda restricted" says Jeremiah

"I'm here because I have some things to say, Jeremiah" I reply, he raises an eyebrow "go ahead Blondie, what's it this time?" Asks Jeremiah, his voice cold and sinister "you killed my baby" I state, he frowns "now now, that's a big accusation to make, what do you mean I killed your baby? I didn't kill no one. Blondie I know you're a fat slut but don't you just think you put on a bit of weight? You can't be been knocked up" replies Jeremiah. I refrain from slapping him through the bars as I collect myself, I can't let him know he's getting to me because then he wins and I can't have that.

"When you punched me in the stomach three times you caused my child a severe blow and now my kid is dead and it's all because of you" I say, he rolls his eyes and shrugs "so what you can make more, I'm sure lover boy won't mind making a few babies, he seems like he likes a piece of you every now an again" says Jeremiah, I scoff "how can you be so fucking insensitive? At least Owen isn't a pig like you" I say, Jeremiah laughs coldly "oh Blondie, I'm surprised he hasn't dumped you yet, see lover boy doesn't seem the type to marry sluts like you" says Jeremiah

"You know what I have quite a lot to say to you" I state, he rolls his eyes and shakes his head "go on then Blondie, do your speech, I'm waiting" replies Jeremiah

"First off a big fuck you" I begin "I was trapped for years in a toxic abusive relationship with you and you made me believe what we had was normal when it was really just criminal. You were and still are heartless. You would beat me senseless and I would sustain almost irreparable injuries from you and the reason would almost always be because I didn't want sex. You raped me on several occasions and proceeded to tell me it wasn't rape if we're in a relationship despite me saying no several times. You caused me to have three miscarriages, now for and you couldn't give anymore of a shit now than you did back then. I hope you get a long prison sentence, I hope the judge gives you the harshest sentence they can give you and I hope you rot in prison. I hope you have a shitty life, I hope you live miserably and die alone because you don't deserve love. I never ever want to see your face again. I'm going to thrive in life and you're going to rot away into nothingness like the worthless piece of shit that you are. I despise you. I despise you with every fibre of my being and I hope you rot in hell. Jeremiah Hayes Clarrington, fuck you" I say

I turn on my heels and walk away, I don't acknowledge his existence or whatever snarky remark he makes as I thank Graham and leave. A massive weight lifting off of my shoulders as I leave the police station.

"Holland, where were you? I was worried and you didn't text" asks Owen as I get in. Shit I forgot to text him "sorry, I went to the police station to see Jeremiah, I told him everything, how he made me feel, how I hope he lives a miserable life and rots in hell and I told him to fuck off and everything, I feel rejuvenated, Owen" I say, Owen smiles, wrapping me into a hug "I'm glad you feel better" replies Owen, kissing me "I love you" I say, Owen smiles at me "I love you too" replies Owen.


Hello there my lovelies!

Holland finally got to tell Jeremiah everything she ever wanted to. I felt I needed to double update considering the last chapter was so sad (I'm really sorry)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter though

Thank you for all your love and support I love you all

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

Stay strong
Stay safe
Stay wonderful
Stay smiling

All my love, Blue xxx

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