Chapter Ten

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Two months. That's how long I've been at Grey Sloan. Two months.

Today Owen and I have a half day and so we've decided to go on a date, dressed up and all, although I think we're planning on not being dressed up by the end of it. The perks are we don't have work the next day so who gives a fuck?

I think tonight we might be progressing our relationship. Perhaps we could be a couple sometime soon? I'd like that and I think he might too.

I meet Meredith at the coffee stand and we wait in line "anything special planned for today?" Asked Meredith as I greet her, I smile and nod "Owen and I are going on a date" I reply, she raises her eyebrows "oh yeah?" Asks Meredith, I nod "yup, I can actually look good as well" I reply, she chuckles and smiles "so are you planning on...having fun? if you know what I mean?" Asks Meredith, I nod "oh yes" I reply. She laughs.

I spend most of my day doing charts and checkups. Finally I finish. I meet Owen outside and he smiles as he sees me "hey handsome" I say, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close "hey there, beautiful" replies Owen, I blush "ready for our date tonight?" Asks Owen, I nod "yes I am" I reply, he chuckles "do you want to...have some fun afterwards?" Asks Owen, I blush and nod "oh yes" i reply, he leans in

"Good, I can't wait to slide your panties off and...pleasure you" whispers Owen in my ear before he nibbles it, a pleasurable shiver runs down my spine at his words and I smirk "what if I told you I didn't plan on wearing panties....or a bra" I whisper in his ear, kissing his neck "even better" he replies. He smiles and walks away. I get in my car and drive to my apartment.

Time to make myself look drop dead gorgeous. I start with my hair. I French braid my wavy gold locks so that they're out of my face and then I move to my closet and sift through my clothes. I finally find a red dress. One that is tight fitted up the top down to my hips and flows out down to my knees, it shows off a lot of my back and has quite a low dip cleavage but I think it's rather fitting for the occasion. I find black slip ins and wear them. I then do a light bit of makeup. I start with moisturiser. Then I add foundation, then concealer, then lipstick, then some natural eyeshadow and a bit of blusher to make my face pop.

I give myself a once over in the mirror. I think I look good. I brush my teeth so I don't have stinky breath when I meet him. I make my way out to meet Owen.

I meet him at the restaurant and his face contorts into a mixture of emotion as he sees me "I- wow, you" says Owen as I walk towards him, I chuckle "hello to you too" I reply jokingly. He kisses me and then we walk into the restaurant. We both order spaghetti and we wait for our food and drink to come.

"Holland. I've known you for two months now and they've been the best two months of my life" begins Owen, I smile "I've loved whatever this is that we have however, I think it's ready to progress and so, Holland Jenkins, would you be my girlfriend?" Asks Owen, I blush, he's so sweet. I smile and nod "of course I will" I reply, his face lights up and I can't help but feel happier as well. Our food comes and it's absolutely amazing.

We finish dinner and the waiter takes our plates away "would you like dessert?" Asks the waiter, "could we have a look at the desserts menu please?" Asks Owen, the waiter nods and hands us both a menu and then walks away. "Do you want dessert?" Asked Owen. I think for a moment "I don't mind. We could either have dessert here and then have a bit of fun or we could just skip to the fun, whatever you want" I reply, he smirks "I think perhaps we get dessert and then have some fun, I guess you could say we get two treats tonight" says Owen. I smirk.

We order dessert and wait for it to come, both of us ordered a brownie. Dessert comes and it's delicious and then we split the bill as I was insistent on it and we go to my place for a bit of a change. We get into my apartment and we get started. Owen picks me up, my legs wrap around his waist and he removes his shirt as he kisses me, he removes my dress and gawks "I wasn't joking when I said I wasn't going to wear anything underneath" I say, he smirks and kisses me "god you're so fucking sexy" says Owen as he removes all of his clothes.

He kisses the dip in my collar bone "Owen" I moan as I tug his hair, he smiles on my skin and moves his way down. I flip us after a while so I'm on top of him and I kiss everywhere. I lick up his stomach and chest and then back to his neck. I kiss his lips and nibble on his ear "Holland" he moans as he throws his head back. I smile and kiss him again.

After a while we finish and we lie next to each other, spooning. "Well that was.." begins Owen "fucking mind blowing" I finish for him. He chuckles and nods. Kissing my neck softly as we cuddled eventually we fall asleep in each other's arms. What a night.


Hello my lovelies

Well damn that was really explicit and mature terribly sorry for that one

Anyways thank you for all your love and support I love you all

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens  :))

Stay strong
Stay beautiful
Stay wonderful
Stay smiling

All my love, blue xxx

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