Chapter ThirtyTwo

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3:30 in the morning

Rushing to the hospital.

I managed to get Evelyn over as soon as possible to look after Faith and Leo. But now I'm driving to the hospital in a blind panic.

I knew something was wrong

Always trust your instincts, Holland.

Fuck fuck fuck

Who the fuck holds a shooting at a hospital?

I run inside the hospital and run to find Owen. I finally find Meredith after being unsuccessful at finding Owen. I'm finding it hard to breathe at the moment "Meredith where the fuck is my husband?" I demand, Meredith tries to calm me down first but I need to know where Owen is to be calm. "Where is he?" I repeat "he's in surgery" replies Meredith. My heart drops "he got shot?" I ask, trembling, she nods "twice" replies Meredith "twice how twice? Was the shooter trying to kill him?" I ask panicked

"He saved me" replies Meredith, he what "the shooter was going to shoot me but Owen pushed me out of the way" continues Meredith. I can't breathe. I can't hear, my vision is blurred. Why is it so hard to breathe? For fucks sake, Holland, breathe. Breathe. Breathe.

I think Meredith is saying something but it's so muffled. Owen is in surgery with two bullet wounds. He could die. He can't die he has two kids that need him. He can't die he has a whole life to live. He can't die. I won't let him die.

I'm crying why am I crying? I think I'm being taken somewhere but it's hard to see through the tears. Ok Holland. Deep breaths. In. Out. In. Out. Eventually my breathing evens out "sorry I" I begin but Meredith stops me "don't apologise for being worried, your husband has been shot you have every right to panic. When Derek got shot I had to be held back by Cristina so as not to lash out at someone, compared to me you took this relatively well. Then again I was pregnant at the time so I guess it was just the hormones and you're not pregnant now so" interrupts Meredith

I give her a look "wait" says Meredith, standing up suddenly "you're fucking joking, Hols, you're pregnant? Seriously, Owen is extremely fertile. He has four kids now, and I mean sure he only really created three and so did I but still Jesus Christ" asks Meredith, I nod, I can't help but smile "yes, I'm pregnant again, I've had the twelve week scan, I was going to show him the scan tomorrow but he might not be here tomorrow and this baby is going to grow up without a dad and it's going to kill me. I should've come earlier I knew something was wrong" I waffle on

"No, Holland, if you had have come here earlier you would've been in the middle of the shooting as well and what good would that have done? Not only to you but to your baby?" Asks Meredith. She has a point.

I nod. Calming slightly. I wipe my face and stand up. Meredith and I walk out of the on call room and into the waiting room. Eventually Levi Schmitt approaches us and he doesn't have the "I'm sorry your husband is dead" look on his face so I can only hope that the surgery went well "Holland?" Asks Levi, I nod, preparing myself for the worst

I swear to god, Owen Hunt, if you have died on me I will never forgive you. Ok I would but still. Please be alive. I make a silent prayer despite me being an atheist. I need all the help I can get here

"Thankfully the surgery went well, Owen is alive and well, he's in the ward upstairs if you want to see him" says Levi. I could kiss that man I swear to god. I hug him tightly "thank you" I say, he smiles and I practically run up the stairs and into Owen's ward.

He's still under the anesthetic but I don't care. I sit on the chair next to his bed and hold his hand in mine. Please wake up. Owen I swear to god wake up.

Eventually, Owen's eyes flutter open and my heart jumps for joy. He's ok. "Holland?" Croaks Owen, before I know it I'm crying again "you're ok! Oh thank fuck you're ok!" I exclaim, too happy to care who I disturbed. I kiss him, taking him by surprise but he kisses me back nonetheless.

"Could you pass me the cup of water please?" Asks Owen, I nod, passing the cup. He gulps the water down at an ungodly speed "don't you dare ever scare me like that again" I threaten, he chuckles and shakes his head "I'm serious, Owen, you almost gave me a heart attack" I state, he rolls his eyes and pulls me in for a kiss which I happily oblige to

"Oh and um, I don't know if this is the right time but I don't care, I almost lost you today and I would have never forgiven myself if you never got to know about this" I say, Owen frowns and I fish in my handbag for the scan that I got last week. I hand him the scan and he raises his eyebrows and looks over at me, his mouth gaping open. I smile and nod

"You're pregnant again?" Asks Owen, I nod "that's insane, baby, ugh this is amazing" states Owen, he pulls me on to his hospital bed and we cuddle for a while and I swear for a long bit the whole world just disappeared and in that prolonged moment it was just me and Owen, together. It's him and I against the world and I wouldn't want it any other way.

I have never loved anyone as much as I love the man next to me. I kiss his forehead and rub small circles on his hand as we hold hands and cuddle.


Hello there my lovelies!

So double update today because I felt like it and a bit of a risqué chapter, did you like it?

Anyways, thank you for all your love and support I love you all!

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

Stay safe
Stay strong
Stay wonderful
Stay smiling

All my love, Blue xxx

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