Chapter ThirtyFour

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"Faith, Leo, meet your baby brother" I state holding Cruz's car seat in my hands with Cruz in the car seat. They rush down the stairs and coo over their baby brother.

I set the car seat down and take Cruz out of it, cradling him in my arms. He has blue eyes and a small bit of blond hair. Well he's the only blond one of the kids.

"What's his name?" Asks Leo, who comes over to me so he can see Cruz close up "Cruz" I reply, Faith frowns as she gives Cruz a once over "that's a weird name" states Faith, I chuckle and shake my head "I like it" adds Faith, I offer her a smile as I sit on the couch "good I'm glad, daddy picked the name" I say, Faith runs off and throws herself onto Owen "grandma Evelyn made cookies with us, daddy" says Faith "she did?" Asks Owen, kissing Faith's forehead. She nods

"Yeah they were yummy!" Exclaims Leo. I chuckle. "Grandpa Elijah will be looking after you guys sometimes to help out me and daddy for work" I state, they both cheer and I smile. I take in my family. My two sons and my beautiful daughter. I look over at my husband of five and a half years and I couldn't be happier. I feel like I've finally found where I belong.

My pager goes off, frightening both me and Cruz which causes Cruz to cry, I bounce him up and down lightly which calms him down "it's a 911" I say, Owen frowns "surely they wouldn't page you, you're on maternity leave" says Owen, I shrug "could you look after the kids while I check it out?" I ask, Owen nods and I rush to the car.

I get to the hospital and practically sprint to the Paediatrics ward "what's the emergency?" I ask, I'm out of breath but I push that aside "code blue on one of your patients" replies a nurse, really they couldn't have got someone else? I check the patient.

Shit shit shit. That was the heart transplant patient. "He's rejecting his heart" I state, we rush him up to the OR and I quickly scrub in. Every minute is precious time lost. I get into the OR and make an incision in Carter's chest. I can't lose him, I can't lose a patient it would break me.

Eventually we're about to close up when the heart stops beating. I start massaging it, Maggie pierce assisting with restarting the heart "come on carter" I say. I make a silent prayer to a god I don't believe in but I need all the help I can get. Come on come on come on.

The heart restarts again and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. No deaths. Carter is ok. He's going to live on. I close up and scrub out "you really care about your patients" says Maggie Pierce as we scrub out I nod "who doesn't?" I ask, she shrugs "true. I just saw the panic in your eyes as he flatlined and you were not giving up" says Maggie, I shrug, I'm not sure what to say to that "I guess when you have three kids it's motherly instinct to panic" I reply, Maggie nods "yeah I guess so" says Maggie.

I dry my hands and head to tell the mom that her son is ok and alive. She hugs me and thanks me and I leave the hospital to get back to the kids of my own.

When I get back it's just Owen downstairs "hey baby" I say as I close the door behind me, I hug Owen from behind and kiss his neck "where are the kids?" I ask "in bed, it's 7:30" replies Owen, I huff "I was in surgery that long?" I ask, Owen turns to face me "you were in surgery?" Asks Owen "I had to be, the kid would've died if I wasn't" I reply, Owen smiles and I frown "you are so great" says Owen, kissing me.

I smile, he kisses me again and I wrap my legs around his waist as he picks me up. I remove his shirt and kiss down his torso, then back up and kissing his neck. I capture his lips again. Before we can go any further we hear footsteps, Owen quickly throws his shirt back on and Faith appears from the stairs

"Faith, hunny, what's up?" Asks Owen as she comes over to us "I can't sleep, could you read me a story?" Asks Faith. Owen smile at her and nods. I slump down on the sofa. I love my kids but they need to learn that timing is key.

An hour later Owen comes back down the stairs "she finally asleep?" I ask, Owen nods, sitting next to me on the couch and kissing me. Then we hear cries. Jesus my kids really do not want me to have fun tonight.

I go upstairs into Cruz's nursery and pick him up. Cradling him in my arms and singing him a lullaby as I bounce lightly up and down so that he calms down and drifts off to sleep.

Eventually Cruz drifts back off to sleep and I go back downstairs. Owen kisses me but the moment is over and I'm no longer in the mood "can we just snuggle?" I ask, Owen chuckles softly and nods. We sit down and watch reruns of 'How I Met Your Mother' and thankfully for the both of us we have no more interruptions for the rest of the night.

At 10:00 PM Owen and I decide to call it a day and go to bed. "Goodnight, sweetheart, I love you" says Owen, I smile and kiss him "goodnight, baby, I love you too" I reply. We turn the lights out and drift off to sleep. Not that we get much sleep with three kids but a few hours is better than nothing I suppose.


Hello there my lovelies!

I think perhaps Owen and Holland are struggling with parental life but they'll pull through, they always do. Hope y'all are ok and I hope you liked this chapter

Anyways thank you for all your love and support I love you all!

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

Stay safe
Stay strong
Stay wonderful
Stay smiling

All my love, Blue xxx

Her Anatomy|| ✔️ जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें