Bonus Chapter #1

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Life had fallen when my best friend died. I never knew about her disease. no one fucking told me. am I always gonna be left behind and not know about the shit that has been going on lately? I wanted to kill myself. leave everything behind. life, school, friends, family, wanted to leave all that shit behind. I visited her on visiting days and went to the hospital she was hospitalized. I asked the lady at the front desk and she told me what room she was in. I ran --not technically ran-- to find her room and I saw her. lying down, with breathing tubes in her noses with the sign thingy that had the lines on it to see how the patient/person was doing. I went in and saw that she was alone on her bed. she looked as if she were sleeping but I think she was. I walked silently over to her and stroked her hair. she then opened her eyes and said "calum...?". "hey, I've missed you. I'm sorry about the fight and the shit that has happened." I said. "its okay." she said while coughing. "why are you here?" she asked looking puzzled. "I needed to see you. even though its not a good time, I just wanted to see you." I told her. she cried and held my hand. "I want you to keep this." she said, giving me her necklace I bought for her on her 18th birthday. I simply refused and said "it means a lot to you, doesn't it? I had simply no idea you would give that up." she then took and back and re-wore it but I did it for her when she couldn't do it. she smiled at me as if I was a hot model in a GQ magazine. I quickly heard the the line getting louder and faster. "hey, I need to show you something." I said. "yeah." she responded. "look on your shirt" I told her. I pointed my finger at it and she looked down then put my finger on her chin and her head went up and I started to kiss her. the kiss was passionate for my first kiss. and I was extremely happy that it was with her. as our tongues intersected, I pulled back and kissed on the forehead. she smiled at me again and I smiled back at her. suddenly I heard a flat beep and it was her. I tried to pull back my tears and I couldn't resist. I cried and cried as if I was to have no soul in me. she slowly closed her eyes and said "I love you, calum." i was crying, still and said "I love you too, kendylann."

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