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I am the yin and the yang,

The direction in your path and the confusion that follows.

The brilliant light of the sun and the mist that covers it all.

I am a raindrop and the eye of a cyclone.

I am the past and the present.

A memory and that dream you saw last night.

The footsteps of a dancer and the procession of a funeral.

I can sing for another day and I mourn the loss of a dear one.

I can quit in a second and then start again the next minute.

I can complicate the issue and yet simplify it.

I am an honest word and then deceitfulness peeps from the shadows.

I can be shrewd and innocence suddenly makes an appearance.

I am all of the above and yet nothing like it.

How can I be one?

It's not possible, we all have a bit of both and yet most of the time,

I don't know which one I am speaking to.

Deliriously YoursTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang