Chapter 7 gone

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"Holy crap what is wrong with you Adam!" "He..he charged me." And then Austin pushed me into a wall and puta a knife to my throat. "Austin, please let me go." "How do I know I can trust you." "Because he has those kids and he isn't going to do something stupid unless its to protect them." "It doesn't matter, he killed someone so he needs to die." "Ash killed four people, why is she still alive." "Shut up, shut up, just shut up, its different!" "Is it really?" "Your right, Im sorry, i got out of hand there." "Yea you did!" And I kicked him to the ground and walked to Kaleb. "Hey so are you the leader here?" "No, that would be Alex." "Yep thats me. Hey by the way sorry about Austin, he has a slightly high temper." "And you don't! Last month you bashed in a mans head until he was far past death!" "You know why I did that, what they did to me at that camp! They were cannibals!" And then I saw the stub where his hand was. "How didn't I notice that, wow." "Yea so we're going on a run for ammo, meds, food, and weapons, wanna come?" "Yea, just let me burry Robert." "Yea sure, I get it take your time." After we paid our respect to Robert, we were off. We made our way to a pharmacy after killing a few fumers and infected. As we approached the door we heard a glass break. "Okay, somethings in there so get ready." We opened the door and a guy said "please don't hurt me." "We wont, don't worry." "Oh thank you, thank you so much. Im Nikolai." "We dont do names, just call us A,Q,K,AD,and Ash." "Okay well do you need medicine, food,water?" Actually, we need ammo, and meds." "Okay,I get it for you, just come to the bathroom door where I keep the supplies." "Lay back guys, Ill get it." "No austin, I got it." I walked over to the door and heard the screaming. He ripped open the door and an infected ran out. I pushed it into Nikolai. The infected bit into his arm, after it did, worm type creatures swarmed the bite. I killed the infected and went for Nikolai. "Wait, don't kill him, I need to see this." "Ashley is our doctor and she is just fascinated about these things." "Kill me, kill me please, it hurts." We watched as the worms moved up the skin in his arm and as they got past his shoulders, he died and then about 15 seconds later, he turned, and we killed him. "What the heck were those things inside his arm?" "Im not sure, but I think that is what started the infection. We searched the pharmacy and found a huge stash of food, meds, ammo, and guns. As we were walking out, we heard the explosion. We rushed out the door and saw a destroyed helicopter in the street with a huge infected looking beast under neath it dead. We searched the crash and found one survivor. "Hey I found one!" We all surrounded him. " give me a few minutes, I can help." After Ash brought back to consciousness, he thanked us and said "private Robertson, once again, thanks for saving me." "Hey can I ask, whats with that big thing under this helicopter?" "I think it has something to do with those worm things. Viruses work well suitable host, but this virus makes its host suitable by making it stronger and I think when a lot of those worms get into the body, they get stronger than a normal infected." "How do you know this?" "Im a field doctor in training and after this started, I did a little research in a library we found." "Another question, how did you crash." "Another member of my team had been bit multiple times by different infected so we tried to get him to the base where we have a treatment." "Wo wo wo, treatment." "Hey, Im talking right now so let me finish." "No you listen!" "Austin!" "Sorry, continue." "So we were taking him to camp and he started to turn but he was like the fumers, or a mutated infected and the helicopter couldn't handle the weight." "Okay, now can you tell us about the cure." "I said treatment not cure, it can stabilize the infection before they turn so it needs to be quick. It doesn't cure it but it does stop it for about a month so we have time for a cure. I can take your group to my camp If you want." "Cool where is it?" "Minnesota." "What! Minnesota! Why did you come all the way to Washington?" "Oh That was my fault, I insisted that we come here because there used to be this really good waffle place and I wanted them to see." "So let me get this, you came like 900 miles, just wasting gas all for freaking waffles that are most likely disgusting and might not even exist." "Yep." "Okay, Im just going to forget that idiotic thing that came out of your mouth. So lets just go to that base of yours." "Okay lets go get the rest of your group."

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