Chapter 5 Old

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Push that in front of the doors! We need to get out of this school now! "Theres a way out on the other side of the school, but we'll have to hurry, this thing wont hold forever. Lets get moving then. As we ran down the hallway, I started to get dizzy and I fell to the floor. When I came to we were in a gym, I heard gunshots echo through and the words " Is Adam okay?" Then I blacked out again. I woke up again and I was being carried as Skyler wrapped up my leg with bandages. I asked what happened and they said I cut open my leg at some point during the rush. They set me down to see if I could walk, I could but barely. When we got back to the bus, Robert, Izaiah, and Noah started working on getting the parts in while we kept watch. After they were done, we filled up the gas and got in the bus. Just as Izaiah started it up, an infected busted open the window and scratched Sharlee across the neck. I killed it and we all stood surprised of what happened to her. She told us to take her out of the bus and leave her. We refused and I suggested we leave a gun for her, she said no. She asked Robert to shoot her. "I cant, I.....I just cant!" She told me to do it, I will. We walked into the building next to the bus, she handed me a gun, gave me a hug, and I shot her. When I walked out of the building, Robert was shaking and the kids started crying. We all got into the bus and drove to the next big city. As we pulled in to a video store parking lot, the bus started to get shot by a machine gun from inside the store. Everyone fired back and I yelled we're friendly! Then the gun inside stopped and the door opened and someone said get in, fumer's probably heard that. I went in first and a guy in a gas mask put a sawed off shotgun to my head and checked for bites. What are fumers?. Shut up! Okay.Okay calm down. Your clean they can come in. Everyone came in except Izaiah who was looking at the bus. I introduced everyone and asked who he was. He said " I don't do names, just call me Q". Okay Q, what are fumers? People or infected that have been exposed to high levels of gas or fumes and it mutates them, they're all over the city from the bombings. Then Izaiah walked in and Q froze. Oh, thats Izaiah. Q ran over and hugged Izaiah. Izaiah pulled out his knife and pushed him away. Q said " What are you doing Zay?" Don't call me that the one of the only people who called me that are................. its you.
Yes it is, as he pulled off his mask.

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