Chapter 16 arrival

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Jose dropped to his knees with blood pouring from the hole in his throat. Austin was holding a gun in front of him. "I didn't shoot him.." An arrow with a rag tied to it landed near my foot. I picked it up and it was a note that had no name, it read. "Your welcome." I grabbed the assault rifle from Jose's lifeless body and took cover. I looked into the woods and saw an infected claw waving at us. Ashley stared at it. "Is that....Conner?" We snuck over to them. "Im glad you guys are okay." Devon said as he walked up to us. "You sonova!" Yelled Austin as he punched Devon in the face, knocking him into Conner. They both fell to the ground. I grabbed for a gun, but it was empty. "What the hell Austin, what happened?!" Austin kicked Devon for the third time. "What happened is these two ran when we were captured, just left us to die and Alex lost an arm!" Alex looked at Austin and said. "My arm was already gone retard." Austin replied. "Oh yea.." And then he kicked Devon again. I pulled a knife on Austin and yelled. "You better stop that, he just saved you!" Austin replied while taking out his own knife. "You wanna do this?" I watched as Izaiah started to sneak up on Austin and yelled. "Yea, right now!" He started to rush me but Izaiah already had dropped him and took his weapons. Devon got up, looked at Austin and said. "Payback sucks doesn't it?" He went to go kick Austin, but he kicked his legs out from under him. Izaiah knocked Austin out. Ashley yelled. "Ummm guys, we got trouble, give Austin a weapo- WHAT HAPPENED TO AUSTIN?!?!?" A huge hoard of infected of different categories were running towards the tent. Fumers/smokers, Brutes(the big ones), and Infected. Izaiah dragged Austin to the back of the tent, put a gas mask on him, and then tossed us all masks. "Thanks" I yelled. We all put on our masks and checked our ammo. "Wait guys, we should try to sneak out, all of those Infected look blinded with the fumes." Whispered ash. I replied."Okay, but we have to be quiet." We snuck through the camp and heard people screaming and watched the infected go towards it. "Good thing you didn't kill all of those guys." Said Ash. I said." Yea wait, wheres Austin?" "Ugh, damn it!" Yelled Izaiah. "Ill go get him." Connor said as he started walking. I started to go with him. We arrived at the tent and Connor tripped and broke his mask. He started to freak out but nothing happened. We waited a while but still nothing. "I guess I'm immune to the fumes too" cheered Connor. Just then an infected ran straight up to Connor, and just looked at him and did nothing, but then it saw me and rushed. We killed it quickly. I asked"What just happened?". Connor replied. "I think they ignore me since Im already infected.". Austin walked around the corner and said. "Im gonna kill Iza- hey, whats with the fumes?" "Long story." Connor explained. "Fine, lets go." Yelled Austin. We ran back to the group and snuck out. After a few hours of driving, we passed the Minnesota border and were on our way to the army camp. We stopped out of view from the camp, we could see them, but they couldn't see us. Austin got out of the car and snuck away. About ten minutes later, he returned with some food. "Where did you go?" Izaiah asked. Austin threw the food in the car and said. "I found a hole in the base, i guess some rats bore into where they kept the food, I just took some." "ARE YOU INSANE?!?!" Yelled Ashley as she tried to punch Austin, he dodged. "If they find out that we stole food, they'll-" i was cut off by a voice on a loudspeaker and the noises of guns being cocked. "Get out of the car and step forward!" The voice yelled. Pvt. Stepped out of the car first and walked towards the gate. "Private Robertson, we were expecting you, welcome back, guns down men." The voice said. "Thank you sir." Replied private. The gates opened and a man walked out. "Please, come in." Said the man. We all walked into the base. Austin was put in handcuffs for stealing, he escaped them quickly, and smiled at them. He was then punched in the face and handcuffed again. "Would you like to be shot?" A soldier asked. Austin replied. "No, but you might want to un cuff me, or you'll be sorry." The sodier pointed his gun and yelled. "Was that a threat?" Austin escaped the cuffs, pointed at the tree line, and said. "No, look." There was a huge hoard of brutes and infected charging the base, but no fumers. "CLOSE THE GATES!" Screamed one of the men. "That wont do a thing." Yelled what looked like a sergeant. Austin ran up to one of the watchtowers with a sniper rifle. Ashley and Pvt. ran to the med tent to help any injured, the sergeant pulled a lever and the gate closed, and the rest of us prepared for the fight.

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