he finds out you're pregnant:

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"Y/n? You feeling alright?" You hear Adam ask you in concern. You sigh in exhaustion. You finished eating breakfast at the kitchen table with him and your body was aching everywhere.
"I guess so..." you say disappointingly.
"I'm gonna go take a nap." You say quietly as you're getting out of your seat with your finished bowl.
"Here I'll get that for you honey." He says softly grabbing the bowl away from your slightly shaky hands.
"Thanks." You say as you're slowly walking away. After Adam finished cleaning your plate and placing it in the dishwasher with some dirty dishes, he hears a slam catching his attention and move quickly to the noise.
"Y/n?" He exclaims as he's jogging to try to find you. He finds you on the ground leaving him shocked and worried. He picks you up and tries to wake you up.
"Y/n, are you okay??" Adam asks loudly but his volume was pointless on trying to get you to wake up.
"What's going on??" He asks himself mostly as he picks you up to place you into bed. He sat next to you watching you before you woke up.
"Hey Y/N." Adam says softly and leaning forward to you to kiss you on the cheek.
"What happened?" You ask sleepily but confused as well.
"You fainted." He says sadly.
"Oh..." you say with a frown looking down at your coveted lap.
"Do you know what caused this?" Your curious boyfriend asks you scooting closer to you on the bed.
"No." You say crossing your fingers where Adam can't see them.

1 day later, Adam comes home from working with his brothers in their apartment. He heard sobbing from a distance making him concerned and run up the stairs to you.
It was you that was crying in the restroom with the door locked so Adam couldn't get in.
"Babe?" You hear him say. You threw away the pregnancy test away as he knocks on the door. You open the door and immediately hug him.
"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" He asks you rubbing your back in circles.
"What is?..." he stops what he's doing when he looks in the toilet.
"Babe, are you sick??" He asks you as his concern grows inside of him.
"N-No..." you whimper.
"Then what's going-" he stops his words when he looks in the trash can.
"No don't!" You cry out trying to stop him but he grabbed the test on time. It had two lines on it which meant that you are pregnant.
"Babe, are you serious?" He asks you.
"That's why you fainted yesterday and you're all nauseous??" He asks you. You look down sniffling too scared to speak.
"Tell me the truth." He says in a sincere tone but not too strict to hurt you or anything.
"Yes." You murmur. You turn away and start crying again.
"Please don't be mad." You sob. You feel Adam's arms wrap around you and feel his head being buried between your neck and shoulder.
"I'm not mad." You hear him say right below your ear.
"Huh?" You look at him and he's smiling really big.
"I've always wanted this. This is exciting! Did you really think I was going to be upset?" He asks you. You nod sheepishly before he hugs you tightly again.
"Do you want to be a mom?" He asks.
"I've always wanted to be one." You say over his shoulder.
"Good. You'll be amazing." You hear him say behind you. You smile really hard because you can hear the excitement in his voice while he's still hugging you tight.


You took a deep breathe as you hear footsteps coming to the front door of your apartment that you live in with jack. You knew that was him even though there are a lot of people that live in the complex. Also because he texted you saying he was almost home. He was curious on why you wanted to know every few minutes of when he'll show up. It was because you were a few months pregnant and jack has no idea that you are. But you were about to tell him and you were very nervous on how he was going to react to it. Your thoughts were interrupted when you hear the door unlock and open. You look up and see a happy jack from the distance as he's closing the door.
"Hey babe!" He says placing the keys down on the counter of the kitchen.
"Hey." You say nervously.
"So what is it that you need to talk to me about?" He asks as he's hanging his coat on the coat hanger.
"I want you to come here first." You say sincerely.
"Why?" He asks confused.
"Because it's serious and important." You sigh starting to get moody by his response.
"Alright." He says getting his shoes off and heading over to you. He notices the scared look on your face and starts to get concerned.
"Hey, what's going on?" He asks as you're tearing up.
You look at him and he's trying to comfort you by holding you close and rubbing your back in circles.
"I have something to tell you." You say shakily.
"Well.. What is it?" He asks curiously.
"I'm..." you look at his hand and grab it. No it wasn't on his leg or your shoulder. But you head his hand to your belly and pull up your shirt slightly to have him feel the slightly small bump. Jack looks confused on what you were doing until he realized what you were about to tell him. He widened his eyes and you could tell he was holding back his emotions. Before he could say anything you blurted these two words you wanted to tell him for a few months at him.
"I'm pregnant."
"Are you serious?" Jack asks you. You hesitated but then nodding your head when tears started streaming down your cheeks.
"Oh my god." You hear him gasp out.
"I'm going to be a father.." he says happily. You snap your head up and see him smiling. You thought his reaction to this would be completely opposite but you see him smiling so big and his eyes gleaming with his tears.
"Y/N. I'm so happy right now. You have no idea how long I've wanted to find the perfect woman and to have children with her." He says as his voice cracks more.
"Really?" You ask with a sniffle.
"Yes!" He exclaims before you both hug each other tightly crying into each other's shoulders.


You've always knew that ryan wanted to be a dad. You've always wanted to have the same too. So you had an idea. You were a few weeks pregnant and ryan had no idea about it. You've took a few pregnancy tests and they've been confirmed positive. You also went to the doctor by yourself to be double sure. You've always had to lie to Ryan when you had to. You hated doing it but you wanted to surprise him. It sucked not telling him. Everyone else you told knew everything just not your boyfriend. It was even hard for your friends and family not to tell ryan about it too. AJR were going to do their very first interview after finishing up their world tour. You messaged the interviewer what you wanted the night before and he agreed to it. You were sitting in a distance in the same room as them. And AJR were sat in front of the microphones and the interviewer was sat across from the table facing them.

15 minutes in the interview everything was about to go down.
"So the next song you'll be performing is dear winter right?" He asks the brothers.
"Yes." Jack says as the other boys nod their heads.
"And before you get into the song, can one of y'all tell me what the song is about?" He asks.
"Well I wrote the song. I wanted to hang out with this girl in college and she actually said no. So I wrote the song when I was feeling down and at that time it just felt a lot harder on going on dates with women I really like."
"So is winter the name you want to name your child?" He asks ryan.
"Yes. I've always wanted to have my kid named winter so." Ryan says with a smile.
"You know what? I've gotten a lot of fans saying that you should sing it." Jack says patting his shoulder.
"Wait for real?" Ryan asks in shock.
"Yeah!" Jack says laughing.
"That's a great idea," The interviewer says happily.
"We haven't even seen you sing it before. Only jack sings it." He says with a big smile (besides that one time jack was sick and ryan sang it for him in buffalo but let's pretend that doesn't exist in this even though that's the best video ever video is at the top :p). Jack turns to you and winks at you without anyone looking except for you and the camera. The camera was for the interview obviously.
"Well, okay." Ryan says laughing. Jack prepares his guitar and Adam prepares his bass as ryan starts shifting in his seat to get comfortable. He was also fidgeting with his hands a little bit making it noticeable for others to see.
"You'll be good!" Jack says patting him on the shoulder for comfort. Ryan nods and looks over at his older brother Adam. Adam nods his head with his cute signature smile showing him he'll be okay. Ryan took a deep breathe and started singing the first verse of his own song.

"Dear Winter, I hope you like your name," he sings softly in the microphone. You started tearing up but also smiling so hard in excitement knowing what was going to happen after he's done singing. Jack's guitar playing and Adam's bass was soft which made your heart melt a little.

2 minutes later to shakily stand up and slowly walk over to your boyfriend ryan as he's about to sing the last lyric of his song.

"First I just gotta find your mom..." you then tap him on the shoulder lightly starting to feel yourself build up with tears. He looked up at you confused since they were in the middle of an interview. You grab his hand and place it on your tummy. You were only a few weeks pregnant that there wasn't a bump yet but you thought it would give him the hint of what you were about to tell him.
"Babe, I have news for you." You announce. He raises his eyebrows a little puzzled on what you were doing.
"Winter is coming babe." You say as your voice starts to crack. Ryan's face comes to shock and immediately stands up in front of you and he's about to start crying too.
"Seriously? Is that true? How long have you..."
"Almost a month. I've been dying to tell you for that long." You say happily.
"Oh my god." Ryan sobs before he hugs you tightly making everyone in the room applause and cheer happily for you both.

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