he meets you for the very first time:

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     You were walking in one of the aisles in the library. You were looking for a book that was very popular at the moment but you couldn't find it. After you've searched everywhere, you've asked librarians if they had it and unfortunately they said no but it would be in soon since the book you were looking for just got published recently. You thanked them and you felt slightly stupid for looking. You didn't even think about them putting it in the library right away.

"Barnes and Noble." You say quietly to yourself while walking out the entrance doors. 'They probably have those. But I would have to buy it' 'oh well' you thought. You had enough money you just wanted to read the book a little bit before buying it. There were tables and chill areas in there where you can read so that was good.

You exited the entrance doors and you were heading to your car when something caught the corner of your left eye. You look to your left side and see a stand and a crowd of people in front. A man with a full beard and nice clothes walks to the stand and smiles at the people.

"I'm so happy you all are here today." He says gladly. You couldn't see all the details on him from that far away. You were also curious on what he was going to talk about. You walk over to him and he was focused on his speech that was probably on the top of the stand so he wouldn't forget the words or get nervous or something. You looked more closely at him and you blushed at his looks. He had dark brown eyes and for some reason you loved his speech so much. It was about climate and human rights and you wanted to learn more from this man. He looks up and he stops for a second looking into your eyes 5 feet away from you.

He quickly looks down at his paper smiling like an idiot and forgetting the words from his speech making his audience confused

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

He quickly looks down at his paper smiling like an idiot and forgetting the words from his speech making his audience confused.

30 minutes later he was coming to conclusion of his speech which was about to end which you didn't want it to honestly.
"Thank you so much." He smiles walking off the stage. Everyone claps and cheers for him with you joining them. He walks away from the crowd and looks like he's heading off away from the library to go on with his day.

"Wait!!" You exclaim running towards him. He stops, turning his head smiling lightly and chuckles at your panting.
"You... You did really good on that speech you just did." You smile trying to catch your breathe. He smiles brighter and looks down showing he's flattered by your compliment.
"Thanks." He says quietly.
"I would like to know more." You say not hesitating. He looks up at you slightly shocked on what you just said to him.
"If that's okay with you." You say starting to get embarrassed.
"No no! I'm just surprised. Here." He says digging into one of the pockets from his pants he was wearing. He whips out his phone and types and swipes a little bit on his phone screen about to show you something.
"May I have your phone for a second?" He asks politely.
"Sure." You stutter. You handed him your phone and he gives you his. It was a new blank contact on his screen. You blush as you start typing your name and your phone number on there. You finish last shocked on how fast he typed it in until you realized he forgot to put his name in the contact.
"Your name?" You giggle.
"Oh Adam!" He laughs. He takes your phone again and types in his name.
"Sorry." He chuckles.
"It's fine." You giggle. After he's done and hands you your phone back again, you shake his hand and smile brightly making eye contact with his beautiful brown eyes and his amazing smile.
"Y/N. It's nice to meet you." You say. He nods as his phone rings.
"Sorry miss. I have a call I have to take. I'll see you soon!" He says about to walk away.
"Oh. Okay bye!" You say waving as he's slowly walking away backwards.
"Bye!" He calls. He quickly answers his call and puts it up to his ear and starts talking to the person whoever he was talking to on the phone. 'Nice guy' you thought feeling your heart flutter.

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