your makeouts:

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Short a/n: This makes me nervous publishing this bc I don't know if it's right that I wrote this. If it's too much then I'll delete this. You don't have to read this if you don't want to since it is a little intense imagine.. I still hope at least some of y'all reading this chapter will enjoy it!!


"You did great babe." You smile as Adam walks over by you after finishing tonight's show making Adam smile back.
"Thanks babe." Adam giggles making your heart beat faster knowing his laugh was your weakness. It was just so damn adorable when he would do it. For some reason everyone around you was nowhere to be seen making you confused and Adam as well.
"I love you." Adam softly says but loud enough for you to hear since the venue was still loud from the crowd leaving. You turn your head to him and see his angelic loving eyes and his beautiful smile. All you paid attention to at this moment was him. All of your surroundings were gone and all you could see was him. You chuckle lightly looking down all shy but then looking back at him.
"I love you too Adam." You whisper smiling like an idiot. Adam leans his body in closer to you until there was no gap and your back was pressed against the wall gently. He leaned his face into yours until both of your lips touched. You both were touching each other comfortingly while your lips worked on his. You then feel Adam's tongue slowly enter inside your mouth not rejecting him. Your tongue circles around his slowly while you both wouldn't stop smiling. Adam pulls away knowing it was enough for now and didn't want to get too PDA in public.

"Ahem." You turn your head and see Ryan laughing quietly then Adam flipping him off.
"C'mon we gotta go." Ryan laughs harder then leaving. At least Ryan wasn't uncomfortable on what he saw. The makeout wasn't even intense. Barely... It was more of a loving and sweet makeout. And Ryan and Jack's seen you two makeout before so they were used to it. Adam grabs your hand and you both leave to the tour bus to the hotel to rest.


"I'm so excited." Jack squeals happily jumping a bit. You both were in your own hotel room knowing the band was performing at this location the next day. The reason why Jack was excited was because Austin their photographer messaged him telling him that the first part of The Maybe Man tour documentary was almost done uploading on YouTube knowing that YouTube always takes a damn long time to upload videos and especially long ass ones.
"Me too." You giggle pecking him on the cheek making him turn your head to you slightly surprised.
"What?" You ask laughing. Then you realized that it's been a while since you and Jack kissed since he's been busy on the first leg of the tour and you both rarely had time with each other since. Jack smiled grabbing your hips and you both sit down on this desk chair the hotel had. Jack was fully sitting down on there and you were sitting on his lap. He places his hands on your cheeks and gently pushes your head towards him and you do so. Your lips make contact with his lips and you both start softly making out. His tongue enters into your mouth and you feel like your melting like butter on a summer day on him because of how he makes you feel. You heard Jack make a few noises making you giggle in this kiss and he would smile as you do so. You then hear a notification go off on Jack's phone making Jack pull away sighing from the interruption looking at his phone. It was Adam letting him know it was time to leave for dinner.

"Oh yeah.. We gotta leave for dinner right now." Jack says as he helps you off of him. You both get your shoes and jacket on and as your doing that you have puppy eyes on and pouty lips sad that what you and Jack were doing was done for right now. Jack opened the door grabbing your hand noticing your face.

"To be continued babe." Jack says rolling his eyes laughing softly making you laugh back.


"Hey babe!!" Ryan says opening the door to his dressing room you were chilling in.
"Hey!! Aren't you supposed to do VIP with fans right now?" You ask him confused looking at the time.
"I just finished babe.." He chuckles taking a seat next to you by your feet on the sofa.
"You finished dodgeball and meet and greets I'm assuming but what about masterclass?" You ask confused. The reason why you knew that was because Adam and Jack were chilling with you minutes ago knowing the next thing they had to do was perform on stage including Ryan but that was in a few hours.
"Just finished." Ryan laughs.
"Geez.. Time passes fast.." You say in shock as your sitting yourself up on the couch until Ryan gently grabs your shoulders stopping you from getting comfortable.
"What are you doing?" You ask him innocently confused.
"Just relax.." Ryan says starting to make you nervous as he's slowly pushing you back down on the sofa and him hovering over you.
"Babe stop. We're gonna get cau-" Ryan cuts you off with his lips attaching to yours shocking you. You stayed frozen still for a bit while Ryan was working his lips on you until you felt yourself melt on how loving he was. You finally close your eyes and return the kisses he was giving you. You then feel something wet and warm touch your bottom lip which was his tongue asking for an entrance. You accept it and your tongues were colliding exploring each others mouths. You accidentally made a few tiny squeaks and noises making Ryan smile and chuckle in the kiss making your heart flutter much more. You suddenly hear the door open making you push Ryan off of you abruptly snapping your head to the noise. Ryan also turned his head and you both see Jack with wide eyes standing there like a statue.

"I'm just gonna uh.." Jack nervously says as he awkwardly exits the room. You facepalm yourself embarrassed as hell making Ryan chuckle.
"It's not funny!! I told you we were gonna get caught." You whine.
"It's fine he'll get over it." Ryan says rolling his eyes with a smirk. You both sit yourselves up on the couch and get comfortable.
"I enjoyed it though." Ryan says grabbing your hand making you turn your head to him.
"I did too.." you shyly say blushing like mad turning away from him again.
"You're so cute." You snap your head back at him and play fight with him.
"Shut up." You grumble trying to keep your laughter in.

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