Eighteen: How can someone desire something so impossible?

Start from the beginning

"Oh right." He said "I was talking to this guy earlier in the airport and we got into conversation about surfing and I kinda flexed about my sister offering lessons, so he said he'd love to be trained by you." He smiled at her, stopping her from saying a word. "But that's not it. He said he would like to donate and support your foundation."

Gian gasped. Her hands over her mouth. "Really?!" She asked excitedly "Who's he?"

"Uhm..." Ian hesitated then scratch his head "I kinda forget his name, but I have his number. I'll send it to you."

Gian nodded. "When is he coming?"

"Tomorrow?" Ian answered, unsure. "Honestly, I don't really know. But I'm sure he'll call you. I gave him your number."

Gian sighed in relief, still smiling. Couldn't believe the good news she just heard. Ever since her parents died, she took responsibility of Ian and seeing the foundation her parents built crumbled was heart breaking. David recruited her, and gave her an opportunity that offers a lot of money. Now, that money is a school full of children with dreams. She rebuilt her parents' foundation— their legacy.

"Thanks Ian." She smiled at him.

"That's nothing compared to the things you did for me." Ian replied, his smiled genuine. "So, I heard Rey's having a dinner party tonight. You have to come, I don't have a date." He grinned

"I told him I would be there so you don't really need to convince me."

"Good."  Ian said, "I'll pick you up later."


"Happy birthday!" Gian greeted Rey and hugging him as soon as she saw him inside the restaurant. She handed him a small paper bag, a gift. "It's nothing much, I hope you like it."

"It's a mug!" Ian whispered behind Gian.

Rey chuckled and took the bag from Gian, "You know you don't really have to, right?" He said "But thank you. You've given me more than enough."

"'You're being dramatic' that's probably what she'll say back to you." Ian interjected

Gian looked back and glared at him.

She pat his shoulder with a smile and nod before pulling him towards the table where several other people is seated. Most of them familiar for Gian. "I'm hungry. You're treat, right?"

They sat around the table. Rey introduced Gian to a the ones she doesn't know and they immediately hit it off.

"I heard there's a special performance tonight." Ian said

"Maybe they're doing it to attract more customers." Rey answered looking at the menu like the rest of them.

Gian raised a brow, "But this restaurant is pretty popular already. What's the point?"

Ian shrugged, "Whatever reason they have, I don't care, as long as I get my grilled tuna."

"Oh look, I guess it's about to start." One of Rey's friend said pointing at the mini stage in the corner.

Men wearing grass crowns and straw skirts— also half naked and barefoot— came out and introduced themselves.

"I guess they're dancing hula." Rey said looking quite excited as he looked around the table, "I've never seen a live performance. I guess it's my lucky day."

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