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‘Good morning loser.’

‘Good morning, Jen. Isn't it, like, 3AM there? Why're you up so early?’

‘I can't sleep.’

‘My hoodie not doing its job of helping you sleep?’

‘Yeah. You should probably come back and take its place.’

‘One more week. Want to FaceTime? I could use a pretty view this morning.’

‘I look like crap right now.’

‘Bullshit. As if that's even possible.’

‘No, really. My makeup's off, my hair's a mess—’

‘You wanna look good for me, babe?’

‘Screw you. Okay, wait. Give me a sec...’

Video chatting with Lisa 💙...


‘Jeez, Lisa. I know I look like a mess, but—’

‘No, I meant damn, like, you look fucking beautiful.’

‘Not falling for that, loser.’

‘Is it a crime to appreciate beauty and be honest about it?’

‘No, but it is a crime to look that good in a buttondown.’

‘Whoa, are you ill, Jen? You do realize that you just said something nice to me.’

‘You're right. It's around 3AM so my brain is probably just malfunctioning.’

‘I should start praying that 3AM's last longer, then. You're a lot nicer when you're sleepy.’

‘You look a lot nicer when I'm sleepy.’

‘I'd look a lot nicer sleeping with you.’

‘Too bad you're countries away.’

‘But I got technology that lets me see your pretty face everyday even when I'm all the way in Austria. I guess that would suffice for now.’

‘But I look better in person.’

‘Well, you do take my breath away either way—wait, could you turn up your brightness a bit?’

‘Huh? Why?’

‘I... uhh... want to see you clearer. It's quite dark in your room, you know.’

‘Sure. Is this okay?’

‘What's that on your neck?’

‘What are you talking about?’

‘Cute hickey.’

‘It's–uhh—it was a mosquito bite. A mosquito bit me.’

‘That's cute. Alena's a mosquito now?'

‘Lisa, let me explain.’

‘You don't have to. It's not like we're dating anyway, right?’


‘I kind of expected this to happen. I don't know why I'm still surprised.’

‘Please don't—’

‘Can I ask you something?’


‘Do you want anything serious with me? Or are we just playing?’

‘I don't know if I'm ready for anything serious, Lisa.’

‘Do you want me to wait for you until you're ready?’

‘That's... that's up to you.’

‘I'm asking what you want. If you still can't tell, I actually like you a lot. And it'd be really nice to know if I'm supposed to be taking this as a casual thing or something serious because I'm... I just need to know if you want me to wait for you.’

‘If you still want to.’

‘That doesn't answer my question.’


‘Is that a no?’


‘If you still want to sleep around, you could just tell me. I just need to know if this is going anywhere or not. I mean, if you just wanted something casual, to just play, you could've just said so. We both know I can do that better than you can.’

‘I'm not playing with you. Come on, Lisa.’

‘What do you want from me, then? I can't go treating you differently if you're just one of them anyway.’

‘One of them?’

‘The girls who stay around because I'm convenient. There's a lot of them so I'm used to it, that's why I play them back. You know, the ones who stay for the sex, the reputation, the car rides, fake girlfriend, shit like that. Sounds familiar?’

‘I'm not sticking around just because it's convenient!’

‘Then what do you want?’


‘And Alena, too?’

‘It's not like that...’

‘What is it, then?’

‘I don't know.’



‘I'll wait, okay, Jennie? I'm not expecting anything. I'll understand if you pick Alena or some other chick. Just tell me when I'm not convenient for you anymore, yeah?’

‘Lisa, don't be like that.’

‘It's okay. Nothing I'm not used to.’

The Monday Morning Theory (Conversation)(Jenlisa)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now