quarante et un

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Video chatting with Lisa💙...



‘Are you still angry?’


‘You're cute when you're trying to act mad.’

‘Not acting.’

‘You definitely weren't acting when you were worrying about me, though. Huh, who knew you had a heart?’

‘You know what, I'm just going to end the call—’

‘Hey, no! Sorry, babe, I was just kidding. Kind of.’

‘Stop... stop looking at me like that.’

‘Like what again?’

‘Just... I'm supposed to be pissed at you.’

‘What can I do to make it up, then?’

‘Nothing. Just... keep your phone charged. You're really far so I don't really know if you're still alive, you know?’

‘Okay. I'll keep the power bank with me always, promise. Are you still at the cafe?’

‘Yeah, about to close up. Oh, Shan dropped by and was really glad you weren't here.’

‘What'd she do? Is she still there?’

‘She just left. But a while ago, she asked me to dinner, then when I said no, she was all like, come on, your girlfriend doesn't have to know. Then she tried to follow me outside when I got the deliveries.’

‘Wait, what?! Did she do anything?!’

‘She just tried to talk to me.’

‘Is that all?’

‘Yeah, don't worry about it.’

‘What'd she say?’

‘Usual desperate ex lines. I just ignored her anyway. I'm okay, don't worry. Wait, enough about me. How's Vienna?’

‘Vienna? Not as pretty as you. I haven't explored the place yet, but so far the weather is good, the place is really pretty, and the hotel is really fancy.’

‘Tour me around your room.’

‘Okay, I'll start from the entrance. Here's the closet which has fancy lighting inside, and it's beside some cool coffeemaker and packed fridge and other food-related stuff. Oh, here on the floor are my bags. I haven't unpacked yet.’

‘Move your lazy butt and start fixing your stuff, loser.’

‘Nah, I'll do that later. Anyway, this door is to the restroom, then this is how the bedroom looks like—’

‘Two beds?’

‘Yup, both queen sized, which is pretty cool, and they're super soft—’

‘You're rooming with someone?’

‘The view from the window is really good, too. No balcony though, but the curtains and blinds are remote activated—’


‘Wait, check this out—’

‘Why are you avoiding my questions?’

‘Wait, Jen, please don't—’

‘Ah, that's why. Tell Ms. Evans I said hi.’



‘Don't be like that, come on.’

‘Don't be like what?’

‘You're doing the I'm acting like I'm not jealous but you're dead look!’

‘I'm not jealous. Why would I be?’


‘What? We're not in a relationship anyway. You can do what you want.’

‘I'm not going to sleep with my professor, Jennie.’

‘You don't have to tell me. It's your choice.’


‘Seriously, it's cool. Why're you acting like that, Lisa?’

‘Nothing. Okay.’

‘Are you alright?’

‘Yeah. Are you?’

‘Yeah. Wait, I'm just going to close up, okay?’

‘How are you getting home?’

‘Walking. Why?’

‘Hey, it's really late. That's not safe.’

‘I've done this a thousand times, Lisa. I got this.’

‘Didn't you ask anyone to give you a ride? Alena or one of your other friends?’

‘I'm okay, don't worry.’

‘Can you wait there for around 5 minutes? I'll send over one of my buddies to drive you home.’

‘Are you sure?’


‘I really appreciate that, thanks.’

‘Anything for your cute ass.’

The Monday Morning Theory (Conversation)(Jenlisa)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now