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Video chatting with Lisa💙...

‘Hey, Lisa.’

‘Wow. Hi. You look... wow.’

‘What're you talking about? I... I'm literally in my work uniform. I look like this all the time.’

‘Yeah, but... damn. Wow. Anyway—I—uhh, sorry. I... uhh... Yeah. Hello.’

‘Hello, loser.’


‘You're such a dork.’

‘You're so beautiful.’


‘What, I'm not allowed to be honest now?’

‘I... shush.’

‘You're blushing.’

‘No, it's just... cold here. Anyway, why're you still up? Isn't it really late there already?’

‘Yeah, almost midnight.’

‘Why aren't you sleeping yet?’

‘Jet lag, I think. My body hasn't completely caught up with the 6-hour difference yet.’

‘You've been there 5 days already, though.’

‘Okay, fine. Maybe I'm just looking for an excuse to talk to you.’

‘You don't need to make up excuses, Lisa. I'm kind of already stuck with your annoying butt.’

‘Parents taught me not to give up on my dreams. I guess that kind of explains the persistence.’

‘I don't mind. You make me good sandwiches anyway.’

‘Damn, that's the only reason you stick around?’

‘Okay, fine. You're kind of funny sometimes, too.’

Kind of funny sometimes? I'm really funny all the time!’

‘Your sense of humor is literally either sex jokes or puns.’

‘Those are literally the only categories of good jokes, Jen.’

‘You forgot one: your ice skating skills. Absolutely hilarious.’

‘You're lucky you're cute.’

‘Or what, huh?’



‘Don't go smirking at me like that! It's distracting!’

‘Wha—how is it even distracting?’

‘It—it makes me feel all tingly inside and shit!’

‘I'm pretty sure that's a good thing.’

‘It's not when you're a bajillion million miles away, Jen!’

‘Miss me already?’

‘Not as much as you miss me, probably.’

‘You're such a loser, you know that?’

‘You're adorable, you know that?’

‘Go get some sleep, baby.’

‘Don't... agh. It's—don't—it's not okay if...nevermind.’

‘What? Are you alright?’

‘Just... go listen to Dive by Ed Sheeran.'

‘What? Why?’

‘Just... do it. Like, after I end the call. Don't play it now.’

‘You're going to end the call now?’

‘Yeah, I gotta be up in 6 hours. I kind of just wanted to see you before going to bed.’

‘I'm way cuter than Austrian girls, huh?’

‘I'll have to think about that...’


‘All the pretty girls here are pretty tall, so I guess you could say you're pretty cute compared to them.’

‘You know what, I'll just end the call.’

‘I'm kidding! You know they're nothing compared to you.’


‘No Austrian women for me, right? I mean, your unquestionable and completely valid equation justifies it already. Me plus Austrian women equals no, right?’

‘No professors either?’

‘No professors either. Only a cute cafe manager from back home.’

The Monday Morning Theory (Conversation)(Jenlisa)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now