
Start from the beginning

His eye starts twitching. "You-you touch my daughter?" He asks and I realize I messed up. "I didn't even think about that." He glares at me.

I gulp feeling nervous. "Sir I didn't mean it like that." I try and explain.

He stands up reaching over the table and pulling on my shirt so I'm facing him. "Listen here if I find out you did anything to break my little girls heart..I will banish you to the 27th dimension." He threatens. "And believe me you won't like it there." He adds

My eyes widen when I realize he's serious. when he sits back down he's glaring at me.

"Okay I wasn't sure if you wanted it with or without ice so I just put the ice cubes on a separate cup." Zee walks in holding two cups one with water and one with ice cubes.

His demeanor changes. "Thank you sweetie." He says as he takes the cups.

"So what did I miss?" Zee asks taking a seat before looking from her father to me.

"Uh.." is my only response before her father cuts in.

"Kara was just telling me that she has to go." He quickly responds.

"She was?" Zee asks "I was?" I ask at the same time as Zee.

Zee looks at me confused. "I mean I was!" I quickly respond trying to smile.

"Oh." She starts getting up. "Let me walk you out." She says.

I'm too scared to look at her father so I try to follow Zee out trying to look as casual as possible.

Once were outside I look back towards the hotel entrance and I see her father looking back at me a smirk on his face. Zee leans up to kiss me but I quickly just pull her into a hug making sure my hands on her back.

"Kara your not gonna give me a kiss?" She looks up at me a small frown on her face.

"I um I'm good." I tell her.

A frown forms on her face and she's clearly hurt. She pulls away from me and I can see a sad expression on her face. I feel terrible because she must think I don't want to kiss her.

"I.." I look back towards her father and he's standing there glaring at me. I feel sweat pouring down my head I gulp realizing this is probably the last kiss all be getting from her. I lean down pulling her in for a kiss on her lips and she smiles at me when I pull away. Okay that makes being sent to another dimension worth it.

I look back towards her father but he has a smile on his face before heading inside. I sigh in relief happy I'm not gonna be moving any time soon.

Zee whisper something under her breath. "What?" I ask not hearing what she said.

"I think my dad likes you." She says smiling at me.

"Uh..yeah I'm sure he does." I respond rubbing the back of my head.

"Yeah and um..sorry." She apologizes.

"What are you sorry for?" I ask confused.

"Um..nothing." She responds.

I don't question her. "Okay I have to go now." I give her a quick hug before being on my way.

"Bye sweetie!" She yells waving goodbye to me.

I wave back at her and as soon as I'm far enough I feel like I can breath normally. "I don't think I'm gonna sleep at night.." I tell myself as I walk home.

Zee's POV

I walk inside finding my dad sitting on the  couch reading the newspaper. I walk over to him my hands on my hips.

The start of a crushWhere stories live. Discover now