The one where truths get told

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Chapter 8

"Oh my goodness, Lexa, what are you doing?" Clarke blurted out, her jaw hanging slightly. Lexa stood stiffly and awkwardly outside, her jade eyes flickered from the chocolate and flowers in her hands to Clarke. Her lovely honey blonde hair was illuminated by the light coming from the house behind her and, to Lexa, she looked like an angel. Blue eyes widened as Clarke stepped aside to let the brunette in.

"Umm, come in." Clarke cleared her throat, the silence palpable. Lexa felt as if she'd rather the ground open her up and swallow her alive. It had taken hours of getting up, walking out the door, and going back inside the house for her to finally draw up the courage to face Clarke again. Lexa's stomach was in turmoil, just like her heart. She didn't know which way was up. She couldn't figure out what was right or wrong. She needed to fix everything, but she didn't know where to begin. Everything had fallen apart, and Clarke didn't even know how or why. Lexa knew that Clarke deserved better. She deserved the truth.

"Here, I can take those." Clarke gestured to the surprise gifts Lexa had brought with her. With a small smile, Lexa gave them to her. Clarke noticed with delight that Lexa had gotten her her favourite chocolate assortments. Her eyes lit up as she looked up at Lexa.

"You really didn't need to, Lex."

"Yes, I really did, Clarke."

Clarke opened her mouth to insist, but Lexa put her hand out to stop her. She needed to get this out.

"Clarke, I need to talk to you." Lexa's voice was somber, and Clarke's brows furrowed in confusion.

"Okay, then talk to me. I-"

"And I need you to listen." Lexa spoke again. Clarke began to worry. Was she finally going to hear about what happened before the tournament? What could it have possibly been to make Lexa like this? Did it have anything to do with the party?

Oh no. what did I do? I don't remember anything. Clarke feared that maybe something happened while she was under the influence. Did she say something to Lexa that hurt her? The very idea made her sick. She couldn't have possibly done anything to harm her best friend.

"Lexa, why don't we go upstairs? We could sit down on my bed ─ it'll be more comfortable and private." Clarke moved from where they had been standing by the door. Lexa nodded, silently following the blonde into her house. It was still awkward as they journeyed up the stairs. And when they actually got to Clarke's room and shut the door, it was unbearably so.

"So..." Clarke urged.

"So..." Lexa had no idea where to start. So when she opened her mouth, she was shocked to hear herself speak. "We made out."




"In your room."


"On your bed."

"What? Lexa what are you talking about?"

"Yeah I know, it's crazy. You were drunk so I drove you home but you were completely out of it and I should have realized that it was the alcohol talking, not you, and that you couldn't possibly have meant the things you said,"


"I mean, you're my best friend and friends don't just start making out randomly because you want to, it's wrong. I'm a terrible person and I should never have laid a hand on you, God I feel-"

"Lexa!" Clarke's voice rose and Lexa finally looked at her. She was so scared to see what she would find in those breathtaking azure eyes, that when she gazed into, them, she almost began to cry.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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