The one starring Jealous!Clarke™

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"Yeah! Buddy sauce me that pizza!" Harper stood up as a slice of pizza flew through the air at her air. She caught it with ease, her goalie capabilities on display.

Clarke flinched when a stray piece of pepperoni landed dangerously close to her white shirt. Lexa smiled at her. She was doing that pretty often these days. Lexa handed her a napkin, which cause Clarke to flash her a charming smile of thanks in return.

Across the table, Raven watched the two girls out of the corner of her eye. She gave nothing away, instead resorting to a knowing look with Octavia, who sat beside her. At that moment, the door of the pizza place swung open, the chill January air slipping in. The team's heads turned to see the Varsity Boys Football team swagger into the restaurant, their hair flipping, eyes winking, and hands waving. Some of the girls on the team returned their flirting, even inviting some of them over to the table. Raven and Octavia were guilty as charged.

"Hello ladies," it was Nathan Miller, a handsome Senior, that spoke first.

"Hey Miller," was Harper's reply. Her friends giggled as she tossed her hair. Miller shot her a smooth smile and Harper swooned.

"You guys are having a good season so far, I heard?"

"Only the best from KVA," Octavia shot back with a smirk. Miller turned to her while pulling up a chair.

"Is that right?"

"Oh yeah! With the Commander and Princess here, we've been kicking ass all the way to Munich." Octavia said with a giggle. Raven laughed too, but mostly because of the look on Miller's face.

"Really, O? Munich?" Clarke Griffin slid into the conversation with a teasing smile.

"Well, I say whatever comes to me. That's just what came up."

"Yeah. Our Octopus keeps it interesting." Raven leaned from across the table.

"You girls are trouble," Miller gave a slow smile "and I like it."

* * * *

Lexa Woods sat at the other end of the table in a dark cloud of brooding and jealousy. She was clenching her jaw so much, she was sure her dentist would not be pleased. Clarke was over there, all smiles and winks, fawning all over some lack-wit jock from the football team. Lexa saw red.

"Yeah, I do hundred-rep sets every morning." Even his voice sounded stupid.

Lexa's eyes shot daggers into the back of the guy's head as Clarke giggled and continued to flirt with him. She's killing me. Lexa turned away from them. Lexa had no idea why she was jealous. She was not entitled to feel this way about her best friend. Clarke was not her girlfriend and she could talk to anyone she wanted to. Lexa knew that- had reminded herself of that tonight too many times. But she couldn't help the dangerous feelings she harbored in her heart. Because seeing Clarke look at someone else, laugh with someone, else, touch someone else, sent Lexa into a murderous rage. The fact that that 'someone else' happened to be a guy made everything worse. Lexa knows that Clarke is straight. Probably. Lexa never asked and Clarke had never hinted at showing interest in girls. So Lexa pined and sulked from a distance.

"Hey there, Commander." Lexa turned towards the soft voice and saw a pretty blonde girl slide into the seat next to her.

"Hello Allison." Allison was the sister of Lexa's defense partner, Jessica.

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