The one about the morning after

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Clarke Griffin woke up with one of the worst headaches she's ever had in her short 18 years of life. Her mind was a blank, drunken haze and she felt as if there was a construction site in her head. The pounding made her queezy and she felt the need to throw up. When she shifted off her bed is when she realized she wasn't wearing anything but her bra and panties.

Oh shit!

Clarke panicked, scared of what she might have done last night. She racked her brain as she sat in a pile of blankets on her floor. She was in her own home, she knew that much. Clarke knew she went to John Murphy's party last night with Octavia, Raven, and -


Where was Lexa? Clarke winched as her headache seemed to be getting increasingly worse. She managed to get up off the floor, making sure not to move too abruptly. She slowly got into the shower and turned the water all the way to the blue. As she sobered under the spray of the shockingly cold water, flashes of last night came back to her.

"God, Clarke. I know you're in love with Lexa or something, but I didn't think you'd be this clingy over her."

"Excuse me?! What did you just say about me? I am anything but clingy!"

"Yes you are! You gawk at her and you have your claws into her and you won't let go. You saw me talk to her and you freaked. Lexa isn't some toy of yours. She doesn't belong to her, and like it or not, she has other interest than just being your little pet puppy!" People were starting to stare at the three girls, and Lexa tried once again to drag Allison away, but she shrugged her off. "And now you can't even admit to yourself that you're jealous; that you hate the thought of me with her, touching her and you look like a psycho little bitch-"

Clarke dropped her bar of soap. She gawked at her own actions in the confinement of her shower. Did that actually happen? Clarke grimaced as she remembered attacking Allison and how Lexa had to drag her away like she was some sort of basket-case. She remembered how Lexa held her and taken her home. Other than that, it was all a blur. When she had woken up without her clothes, she had a small moment of panic. If she had had sex that night, it would have destroyed her. Throwing away her first time was not something she wanted. She wanted her first to be special- to mean something. When she realized that she still had her underwear on (and that there was no tell-tale sign of blood on her sheets), it was as if a wave of relief flooded though her. Then she realized that Lexa would never have let that happen. Lexa was kind, caring and protective. Anyone that so much as looked at Clarke the wrong way would be faced with the wrath of the lithe brunette. And for that, Clarke was deeply grateful.

As Clarke got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around herself, she was filled with relief that she had Lexa to take care of her. What would I do without her? The more Clarke thought about her best friend, the more she wondered where the brunette could be. As soon as she dried off completely and got dressed, she checked her phone for any messages.


Octavia, Raven and a whole bunch of other people had texted her that night, all wondering how she was, where she was, or just being nosy about the whole thing with Allison.

Octavia: Hey Clarkey, you okay?

Octavia: Text me when you wake up, okay?

Raven: Lexa's there with you?

Raven: Never mind, you're probably out cold. Talk to me in the morning.

Harper: Guurl... someone told me you beat the hell out of Allison Fields? This true??!

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