Tʜᴇ Esᴄᴀᴘᴇ [Muriel X F.R]

Start from the beginning

-the next day-

I fidget with the hem of my shirt out of nervousness. As much as I want to, I can't go see him. I'm not supposed to enter the chambers before a deathmatch and I certainly can't slip past the guards. All I can do is watch and hope. I sit down in the second row, trying not to look suspicious. Suddenly, a voice announces the upcoming match. As I hear the Scourge being mentioned, I sit up straight, leaning forward to get a better view. After they announce the wild wolf, the crowd gets louder and applause erupts all around me. The gates open, and the black beast runs out into the open. The Scourge of the South makes his way out, looking up at his opponent. His eyes go wide and he looks shocked. So no one told him he'd be fighting a wolf? I gather all of my energy and stare at her intensely. She looks around, baring her teeth at everything around her. But as her eyes meet mine, her posture relaxes a bit. I start pouring my energy into her, giving her a heap of power. I close my eyes, as this takes a lot of concentration out of me. The sound of a bell is heard, indicating that the fight has begun. I watch as the wolf suddenly rushes towards the man, seemingly attacking him. But before they collide she jumps over his figure and rushed at the locked steel gate with a mighty speed. He just watches as she bursts the gate, stopping to look back at him. He looks confused, his feet glued to the ground. "Get that fucking animal! Someone do something, God!" The Count's voice echoes over the crowd's noise. I get up and use the confusion to slip away. I stand pressed against the wall and close my eyes. I imagine the scourge, standing in the middle of the grounds. My voice tries to reach out for him, successfully. "Go! Run! She'll lead the way!" That's all it takes for his legs to start working again. Suddenly he takes a mad dash for the exit, drooping all weapons and together with the wolf they manage to escape the guards. Most of them are too scared of him to even try to apprehend him. I smile as I watch them go, and even more so as I see the Count's furious face. I quickly exit and rush back to the shop. I gather a few things before heading out towards the forest. I know where to go and I don't waste a single second. I walk along the path leading to the woods and enter cautiously. Along the way I leave some protection spells to keep the guards away and lead them astray. I smile to myself as I get closer to my destination. But as I do, I'm greeted by a scene I didn't expect. The man and the wolf are sitting on the grass in front of the Hut, her laying in his lap and him petting her calmly. But as they hear my footsteps they both jump up, alarmed. I wave at them awkwardly and set the basket down near the entrance. "So.. I see you've made friends relatively quickly." I say, trying to break the ice. But the man's facial expression makes me believe it was a failed attempt. ".. It was all you. Wasn't it?" He suddenly asks me and I look at the ground between us as I nod. "But.. I don't get you. After what I've done-" "You didn't do anything. I knew you were the Scourge all along. And it didn't keep me from helping you and wanting to get to know you." I say bluntly, which makes his face go red and look away. "..thanks." He mumbles and I chuckle. "is that all you can say?" I ask him jokingly and he grunts. I pick up the basket and open the door. "Have you checked it out yet?" He slowly shakes his head and I beckon him to follow. I walk into the cozy place, putting the basket down onto a table. I light the fireplace and put some extra furs onto the bed and one on the ground for the wolf. I start cozying up the place as the man watches my every move. I catch his glance and give him a smile. "So do you like it?" I ask as I fill the cupboard with fresh ingredients. He shuffles around nervously before nodding. "I'm glad you do. This'll be your home from today forward." I say and his eyes go wide. "What? No, you can't just-" "Shush, you deserve to be given gifts." "No, I-" "You also deserve kindness, so sit your butt down and let me give it to you!" I exclaim and he shuts his mouth, doing as he's told. The wolf makes her way over to the fur and cuddles right into it, closing her eyes in comfort. And that's the first time I've seen him smile. It's brief, but I catch it before it vanishes. "Now let's give you a proper bath and look." I say and he turns red. "I-I can do that myself!" He stammer and I chuchle. "Fine, but let me at least cut your hair. It gets in the way of your face." He looks away, a few strands falling before his eyes. "No need. People don't see it this way." I shake my head and point my finger straight at him. "I like your face, and whether you like it or not, it's a pretty handsome one! So just let me cut it please." I say and after what seems like forever he obliges. The bath seemed to go well and after he returned I make him sit down at the table, back turned towards me as I begin to cut his long strands. He wears a content smile on his face, letting the nice feeling of someone taking care of him wash over him. He leans back slightly, and speaks up for the first time, which catches me off guard. "Muriel" "W-what?" I ask, confused of what he meant. "My name. It's Muriel." I smile and answer him happily. " Well Muriel, I hope you're ready for what's to come next, because from now on you'll have to get used to living in your own hut, having at least two friends by your side and of course" I finish his hair and walk around him, kissing his cheek out of the blue. "Getting tons of affection." I end my sentence with a blush and the same goes for him. But he starts smiling after a while and looks over at the wolf with content. "Thank you, Y/N... Thank you. "

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