Love is commig

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Hi, my name is Rosie. I life in America in Miami, and i am beauty model. And finally i won the prize for beauty queen on Instagram. 👼🏼 You don't know who am i? Follow me on Instagram! Rosie Ula! Thanx! 🎊
I am so so happy for the prize, you know?
And you know why i am here? I WANT BOYFRIEND!
Like Selena Gomez? Yess. Have you heard that? AMAZING SONG!♥️♥️

Emm, i see .. someone is coming
OMG! Hi! I am Patricia! Jesus, Hi! You look absolutely stunning! Rosie said.
You too honeyy 🥰
Babe, when i looked at you .. em are you from Brazil, right? Ohh, what? Yes, i am. How you knew that?
Rosie said that her family came from Brazil in dad side, but her mother is from Malibu.
Patricia: Oh, that's amazing! My mother is from Malibu too.
They smiled at each other. ☺️

Someone is coming to girls. Hi!
Girls turn round and said hi.
Do you see him? Rosie said. IT IS BOOOY! Jesus, he is so sexy.. do you see his arms? I love that.. Patricia screaming that's why i am here !

Hello, beautiful girlss.  I am Marcus.
Marcus Rondol.
I am from New York. The girls looked at each other and said at the same time WE SEE. You look really hot .. said Rosie.
Patricia looks at his body and asks a few questions right away. Are you coach or something?
He answered I player MMA. The girls are whistling.
And everyone smilling.

The next boy who is coming is Sebastian, he is photographer. He actually won the prize too, for the best picture of nature in 2009.
And he broke up with his girlfriend a few days ago, his girlfriend cheated on him with a banker.
The girls reation was really sad, and they hug him.

After this welcome, everyone went to get know the surroundings. Where there are makeup costumes, beds, bathrooms and a huge kitchen with living room. They also had their own pool in front of the Villa and whirlpool and of course the sea.

When it got dark, the girls went to dinner and talked to the boys sitting at the bar, watching them.
They cooked lasagna. The boys talked and got to know each other and were already fond of girls.
Marcus like Rosie, and Sebastian like Patricia.
Sebastian freaked out how beautiful Patricia was, and he kept telling her. She really like attention. And Rosie was really quite type, but when she saw that everyone is fine and relaxed. She opened to everyone and enjoyed time with new friends.

Everyone walked slowly to the bathrooms and to the bedrooms. Patricia had sexy outfit - short skirt with translucent T-shirt. She went to bathroom, she was happy, she thought about how great this place is and with such beautiful guys. And suddenly he came....

Let yourself be surprised in the next part..
x kiet x

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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