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(Staying over for the night & nightmares.) 

Previously in chapter 3~ Click the song until I tell you.

"W-Wolverine, w-what a coincidence." She stuttered out.

'Cute' Logan Howlett thought.


-Author's Point of view-: Now.

"Um...What are you doing here in the middle of the forest?" Sasha asked tensely and nervously while straightening herself up as Wolverine started to lean against the tree next to me and responded, "Well, since you asked nicely to me, I guess I could ask you a question. He continues, "Do you know what a HULK is?" She hesitated a bit, blinking her eyes at his question because the hesitation that Sasha holds made her worry about if she can or cannot tell him but, gives in as she starts to nod in response and crossed her arms over her chest, "Yes, I do. sighed Sasha, who also leans to the outside wall of her cabin while closing her eyes then opens them to now glancing at Wolverine and tells him, "a Hulk isn't an 'it', his name is Bruce Banner. He works for the Avengers & has been experimented on himself when my older sister's boss decided to test the green Magna on him. And for your information, sir. Bruce Banner is a renowned scientist, who uses his work as a playground, in a good way, he's lab-partners with my older sister, Betty Ross. Yet, when exposed to high levels of gamma radiation instead of vita-radiation went awry, the mild-mannered scientist had found that when angered, provoked, or excited, he would transform into the huge, rage-fueled, nearly mindless creature known as Hulk." "...So, you know what I'm going against, right?" "You could say that." She bluntly told Wolverine, still leaning against the tree but, listens to her intentively of the info about the Hulk, becoming useful to him: "Fearful of the damage that Hulk could inflict as well as fleeing from the government, at that time, Banner attempted to kill himself; When the attempt failed, he chose to live a discreet life while also communicating with to cure himself. However, when General Ross had sent a team led to apprehend Banner, he was then forced to return to where he recruited the help of my sister (Betty) & Sterns to cure him of his affliction. 

"Banner was apprehended by the Armed Forces shortly after, but Blonsky, who had received a variant of the Super Soldier Serum, was administered Banner's gamma-irradiated blood, transforming him into the Abomination and forcing Ross to allow Banner to turn into Hulk and battle him before then allowing Hulk to escape. Bruce Banner is shown as a mild-mannered, mysterious, shy, and analytical man of science." She finished telling the origins of her sister's boyfriend to Wolverine. Massaging the bridge of his nose when later groans at the explanation after listening intensively to the unanswered question he questioned why the government called him for the job, along with why he's needed? Luckily, Sasha's words made his curiosity easy right now, but Wolverine/Logan could sense her feeling uneasy from telling him about the Hulk, who raised an eyebrow and kept quiet a moment to process the reason behind all the sh*t was for them to make something else; Somehow, he manages to understand her in wonder about what's on her mind. he couldn't dodge it because that will make her suspicious of him, "You care for the Hulk, aren't ya bub?" Her grip tightens harder, digging her nails deeper into her arm until it begins to bleed, looks face to face with Wolverine, who also looked at her but in wonder, what was ALSO going through his mind? She chuckles. "I wouldn't say care for the guy, she gently smiles at herself, glancing away from his words, Sasha realizes that she should try to communicate with other people more often since Wolverine/Logan is only & the first person to walk past her cabin: "Despite from doing it... I'm only helping him because of my older sister, who she really cares & loves dearly. Also trying to look for Bruce for the past few...Idk, maybe 2 in a half years searching for him, I guess." 

"The Immortals claws." Wolverine fanficWhere stories live. Discover now