"Oh, Mrs. Miller are you talking about me?"  

"Yes, a woman should be home with children not getting into all types of trouble."  Ella rants turning her stare back on the king. "King Louis my daughter is the exact woman all of Perta should strive to be. Not someone who is running around trying to get people to sign a paper." At that remark the humor left Laura's face as she marches up to Ella  giving her a cold glare.

"That paper saved hundreds if not thousands of people."  Laura disagrees her voice turning cold. "If your definition of a  woman means I can't save lives than so be it.." Clapping is heard next as Louis interrupted the two women confrontation. The King of Perta had a soft expression on his face as he moves to separate Laura from my mother.

"Well said Laura" Louis congratulates before taking her hand turning to Ella and saying. " I made my decision of what kind of wife I desire. And the person who fits that category is Laura who soon will be my queen."  Louis proclaims alarming everyone including Laura and Ella both snapping their heads back .

"What?" Alek begins standing up but luckily Malcolm was there grabbing the man's shoulder.

"Don't even think about it or you'll be facing the General of Falcon Ridge." The threat must have stupefied Alek because he freezes in place.

"That was you?" Alek asks looking at Malcolm like he saw a ghost.

"Yes, and I'd rather not let this nice festival turn into a battlefield." Malcolm responds, his eyes cold as he gestures to the guards surrounding them. Grunting, Alek turns to leave but not before he bumps shoulders with Malcolm.

"Looks like you made a new friend"  Rachel teases. 

"I just cannot hide my dislike for that man"  Malcolm announces. While this was going on I almost missed Ella's reaction to Louis's news.

"She's blind why choose her over my daughter? "Ella spat out and I can see her hopes are dwindling as she adds. "Your Highness, if you marry Laura then your future heirs could be as blind as she is." 

"My children are none of your concern and for your information.  I have the best healers in the kingdom that can cure a child of blindness in the womb." Louis declares taking insult of my mother's comment about Laura. .

"You wouldn't have to risk that if you marry my daughter. " Ella tries to persuade the king . "She can give you plenty of healthy babies to be heirs." That part she practically screams out like that would help her case. It only made her situation worse in my opinion as King Louis openly scowls at my mother in hatred.

"Ella, this is enough. Melissa will get married but not to a royal." Father interjects stepping in as Ella becomes more unhinged at Louis' continuous refusal.

"My baby deserves better than marrying a farmer."  Ella screams in fury as her eyes turn to one person .. "This is all her fault." Ella pointing an accusing finger at Laura like she has done a great wrong. Suddenly the wind picked up and a familiar aura appears over Ella's body. I shiver with the temperature dropping instantly  as my mother's magic increases. Dark skies materializes and the sound of cracking thunder can be heard . "I am not going to let her win." Ella raising her hand in the air making chairs fly because of the wind. Screaming people ran out of the way  trying to dodge rubble and other items.

"Ella, stop you are going to hurt someone"  Louis orders as he tries to restrain Ella. Seeing him come towards her my mother sends a strong gust of wind at Louis. It pushed him back into a couple booths twenty feet away. After that Ella creates a funnel of air to spin around her. It prevents anyone else from coming near her to stop this madness. 

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