Letters Galore

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I woke up feeling miserable why did I listen to her. I felt like staying in bed and crying for the rest of the day but we had to pack. I can't believe it's already almost Christmas. My mum/dad said I could bring a friend.

I didn't know who to bring though. Lily was going to her sister, James and Sirius were going to stay at his, I have no interest I taking Peter, which leaves Remus and Severus.

Merlin why does being 11 have to be so damn hard. Okay the full moon is in a few days and it's hard for Remus. Severus has a hard time at home. Oh my Merlin. I got up and grabbed a piece of parchment.

I finished working it and called my owl, (O/N). I tied the parchment on to their leg and sent them off. I packed up all my stuff despite the fact that it was like 5:30 in the morning.

I saw that (O/N) was flying back. 'Already' I wrote another letter and sent it off after grabbing the one off of her/his leg. I squealed in excitement. When (O/N) came back I gave them the last letter grabbing the one on its leg once more.

She/He came back with the final letter. They both said the same thing and I was overjoyed. I ran to the gryffindor common room and talked to the Fat Lady. "Bye" I smiled at her. "Bye don't get into too much mischief" she said.

I walked down to the great hall to eat breakfast hoping they were both there. I saw a few people that I didn't know so I sat down and ate (F/B).

I walked to the room of requirements wishing for a quiet place to read. I walked in and saw Remus in a room with a bed and nightstand with a closet. He was sitting on the bed sighing. "Rough morning" I asked plopping down next to him.

He nodded letting a tear run down his face. "Don't worry" I said hugging him. He sobbed into his hands "Why do you care about me" he asked. "Because your my best friend" I said hugging him a little tighter.

"You all packed up" I asked changing the topic. He wiped away the tears "Yeah" he sniffled giving we a small smile. "Why did you wish for this place in particular" I asked. "It's my room at home" he said looking at me.

"It's a very nice room" I smiled trying to cheer him up. "Thanks" he said giving me a full smile. I stood up and reached my hand out for him to take it.

I pulled him up and gave him a hug. "What happened this morning" I ask him letting go "First I woke up really early and I couldn't go back to sleep so I packed, then I tripped down the stairs and yelped, because of that James woke up and yelled at me to shut up. It was dark in the common room and I tripped even more" he said sitting back down

"I walked out to go get breakfast when I got your letter I was happy and made to much noise so Pevvees found me. He shot gum at me and I just barely missed it but fell over. I walked down to the great hall and realized what time it was" he sighed

"So I came up here and now here we are" he said as I say down next to him. He laid his head on my shoulder "(Y/N) will you always be my friend" he asked "Always" I smiled we looked out the window of his room it was an amazing view.

"Severus is coming too" I said "Does he have to" he whined " I want to make up with him" I said remembering what happened the day before "What happened" he asked curiously "I sort of brokethingsoffwithhim" I said in one breath.

"Why" he asked "Even I shipped you two" "Lisa told me to" I said avoiding the love part. "Oh I hope yo-" he was interrupted by the door busting open "Thank Merlin I found you (Y/- so you dumped me for this this beast" He snarled .

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