"Nah, I feel you bro. That's some fucked up shit."

"Really fucked up." She went on as I took a long pull from my blunt.

We sat there in silence for a while as I tried my hardest to take my mind off T. I really didn't want to keep thinking about her or the situation because the more I thought about it, the more upset it made me.

"Crazy thing is, she wun' even gon' tell me shit. She lied to my face yo." I went on, venting.

"I asked her too many times..."

"Baby, what's wrong?"

"What's going on? I can fix it. Whatever it is, whatever you need me to do, I can fix that shit."

"Right." She trailed off while I passed the blunt to her.

"And she kept telling me it wasn't nothing, just lying to my face."

"I mean we fuckin' and she crying real tears and she still telling me ain't shit wrong." I huffed, shaking my head.

"And I'm fuckin' her with no condom on-" I stopped, sighing deeply.

"Bro, this shit really got me on ten." I couldn't help but to laugh at how heated I was right now.

"I'm mad as shit."

"Nah, I feel you." She nodded, passing the blunt back.

"I really do feel you, bro."

"Who is the nigga though?" She went onto ask and I scoffed, looking down.

"I don't know."

"Some bitch ass nigga from her school, supposedly her moms set it all up." I shrugged.

"A white nigga."

"A white boy?" She spoke in complete shock and I simply nodded my head.

"She was fucking a white boy?" She went onto ask, making me look down.

"Wait, how you know though?"

"I took her fuckin' phone." I told her.

"I went through all the messages, all the calls and I even saw pictures of them together." I couldn't help but to laugh.

Tiana was moving grimy behind all of this shit and it had me ready to end her and him. She really played in my face and now I was feeling disrespected.

"Damn." She shook her head, taking everything in.

"I'm sorry about this, bro."

"You don't deserve that shit." She went on.

"And that's why I was pressing her so bad about it. I just knew she wasn't going to say shit."

"Then you would've been out here on some clown shit, especially giving her a ring..."

"Nah, I couldn't let that happen." She shook her head and I nodded slowly.

"What's really fuckin' me up though is I knew some shit was gon' on, Dej."

"I just knew it." I blew smoke out my nose, clenching my jaw.

"Why you say that?" She asked.

"Yo, the night she left her phone in the spot, you was acting weird as shit when you found it, that was clue number one. Then, she came all the way back here to get it. Mind you, Tiana always complaining about having to go home or her moms gon' say some shit."

"So that same day, before she left, we got into it and I was pressing her about spending more time with me."

"She claimed she had to be home so bad but when it came to this phone, she ain't even think twice about it."

"She came back to get it?" She asked amused and I nodded.

"Ain't even acknowledge me though, just came here and asked for the phone." I scoffed, shaking my head.

"Mind you, this shit was ringing all night but I'm like na' I ain't gon' answer her phone. I ain't gon' be on no weird shit. I trust my girl.." I scoffed, throwing her phone in the cup holder.

"Man, fuck her. For real." I spat.

"Pause. You still got it?" She laughed, referring to her phone.

"Yeah.." I trailed off.

"Had to get the drop on this nigga." I explained to her and she raised her eyebrows.

"So you ain't gon' give it back?"

"Nah, I am. When I'm finished with what I need to do though." I shrugged and she couldn't help but to laugh.

"So she let you take it?" She went onto ask, geeking now.

"Man.." I trailed off, looking away from her.

"T know not to play with me, bro." I mumbled, looking out of the window.

"I'a really go there with her." I threatened, just talking shit.

"Have her ass never wanting to see me again."

"That's wild though." Dej went on laughing.

"That bitch really crazy, man."

"Yo." I shot my head in her direction.

"Watch your mouth." I told her, sighing deeply.

Though I agreed with her at the moment, I couldn't let her disrespect T like that. She was my girl for five years, I had to respect her.

"My fault, bro."

"You right. That's my fault. I'm just upset for you." She expressed and I simply nodded.

"I feel you.."

Trailing off, I looked out of the window, tryna figure out my next move. Talking about this shit wasn't doing nothing but making me angrier. I was just ready for somebody to get touched at this point.

"So what's up? You gon' handle that?" She went onto ask and I thought long and hard about it.

"That's the plan." I shrugged, looking over to her.

"So you ridin' out or what, nigga?" I asked her.

"Well you know I stay strapped." She said, pulling her gun out.

"We can do whatever you want, kid."

"Say nomore." I told her, starting my car.


What are y'all feeling?

It's about to go down y'all and I'm just going to pray for them.🧘🏽‍♀️

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