I rummaged through my bag to find something to wear. I pulled out various pieces of fabric and as I did a square of paper swirled into the air, landing at my feet. I bent to pick it up and gazed upon the portrait of the Masen's, their faces beaming out at me. I felt my heart race with excitement when I thought what being in this park could mean. I had already had my chance to see Carlisle again; could it be possible that now was my chance to see the Masen's?

My body filled with anticipation as I continued to hunt for some suitable clothing. If I was going to see them again then I wanted to look in a better state than I had the first time I met them. After a little deliberation I finally chose a powder blue ruffled sundress that stopped at my knees. I had only really had a choice between this, my white and yellow sundress, and a green full length dress.

The green dress would have been too hot but that wasn't the only reason I disregarded it. The main reason was because it just didn't fit. It had been bought for me nearly 4 years ago, and my body had changed in that time.

Even the blue dress was uncomfortably tight and probably a little shorter than expected in this era. I knew that I shouldn't really keep the garments because they took up space in a bag that was already full to the brim.

Surprisingly, it hurt to think of parting with the pretty little dresses, but I ignored my irrational feelings as I removed the green dress from my bag and folded it neatly on the floor. Even though I had given up the green dress, I couldn't leave my white sundress behind. It still held memories of not only the Masen's but also of Texas and Florida. It had been my comfort outfit for several jumps and I just couldn't leave it on the grass to be left to the elements.

After a few minutes of making my appearance look presentable, I stood awkwardly in my constricting dress. I swung my bag over my shoulder and stepped out into the open to find my way towards the people that had taken me in when I looked like nothing more than a scruffy street urchin.

As I wandered through the town I soaked up the comfortable feeling I got from the large stone buildings and pretty shop windows. It was so similar to the London I had grown up in and loved. It somehow just felt like home, more than any of the other places I had been to.

My journey through Chicago wasn't a leisurely stroll but instead a brisk walk. I stopped along the way to indulge in a much needed meal before I continued. I didn't want to turn up and need to be fed and watered.

My gaze flitted around me as I walked; watching as carriages passed by on the cobbled road. Women walked and talked about lunches and other social events, while their parasols shaded them from the odd patches of sunlight that threatened to taint their creamy complexions.

I didn't know how long I had been walking, but my steps haltered when my eyes fell upon a beautiful shop window that housed a sweet, little, pale purple dress with half length sleeves and a squared neckline. Both were rimmed with frothy white lace whilst the under skirt was full thick layers of white cotton.

I didn't waste much time in ogling the garment before rushing into the shop and making a rash but, in my eyes, necessary purchase.

When I left the shop I was no longer wearing my too tight blue dress instead I walked with confidence as the violet dress swayed around my ankles and swishing over my new black leather flats

My new found confidence urged me on with my mission and I concentrated to remember the way to the Masen's house.

I couldn't believe that after all this time I was finally going to see the kind and caring family that had given me a blissful few months of feeling like I belonged. They gave me the chance to experience the wonderful feeling of being part of a real family again.

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