Chapter 16

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My back was stiff, and my mouth registered the feel of short grass sticking inside of it

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My back was stiff, and my mouth registered the feel of short grass sticking inside of it. As I woke up from my deep sleep I could feel soft sunlight resting on my skin and a light breeze playing with my hair.

I groaned when I rolled over from my sleeping place, feeling the ache in my joints that I had inflicted on myself by sleeping on the hard ground. Other than the dull ache that settled in my body, I couldn't feel the intensity of the exhaustion I had felt yesterday. My stomach still rumbled for food, and my mouth was parched dry with the need for water, but all these negative feelings faded when I remembered the sight of Carlisle.

He had looked content beneath his confused expression, and I had noticed subtle differences between the human man I had known and the exquisite creature that had stood mere metres in front of me.

I had ducked down to peek over the top of a rose bush as the couple walked past. The woman was dressed in an Edwardian style outfit of a full length yellow and white dress with lace cuffs decorating the short puffed sleeves.

Her hands was covered in petite white gloves as she walked linked with a man dressed in a simple dark suit matched with a grey waistcoat and hat.

Their attire triggered a memory, and I looked upon my environment with new eyes.

It wasn't just another pretty park in summertime.

This place was the same setting in which my meeting with the Masen's had taken place. I thought back to that day with fondness, even though at the time it hadn't been such a happy day.

How interesting that I was in the same place as last time, after seeing the same man as I had last time. Only this time I wasn't sitting in tears and covered in the horror of my previous jump. This time I wasn't filled with sadness at having abandoned someone I had cared for. Instead now I stood four years older, wiser, and happier.

I craned my head from my hiding place and watched as the man and woman continued to walk down the path, their conversation still accessible to my ears.

"I do hope it doesn't rain before we get home. I've only just had my hair done," the woman complained, and I looked to the sky due to curiosity from her comment.

The smattering of clouds created patches of blue where the sun beamed down but on the horizon dark clouds were gathering.
"Darling, what else would you expect from Chicago in the summer. Rain is a regular occurrence," The man chuckled and kissed his companions cheek.

The couple eventually disappeared out of my range of sight and hearing. I took the moment to assess my condition.

I slipped a small compact mirror out of my bag and looked to see that my face was clean except for a few smudges of dirt, which I removed swiftly. My hair was also relatively tame, nothing a brush wouldn't fix. My clothes, of course, would have to be changed if I was to move from this little secret clearing.

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