Ittetsu Takeda x Reader : Ruffle

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For this one-shot you and Takeda are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

I apologize if this ended weirdly.

" Hey Takeda , What's that?" You questioned , Resting your head ontop of Takeda's. Takeda just chuckled , Moving to look up at you.

" It's meat buns for the Karasuno team . I just have to finish writing a thing for next game first." Takeda gestured to the paper. You gave Takeda a gentle grin , Ruffling his hair before walking away.

" Alright."

" Oh! Wait (Y/n)."

You turned back around to notice Takeda holding a bag. " I got you a few meat buns too."

You grinned once more , Walking over to ruffle Takeda's hair once more. " How thoughtful."

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