Hanzo x Reader : Catch

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For this one-shot you and Hanzo are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

" Hey Hanzo!"

" What is it (y/n)-"

" Catch!"

Immediately after that you were in hanzo's arms , Holding him close. Hanzo was just confused , But he held onto you tightly anyway.

" What was that about (Y/n)?" Hanzo questioned pulling away a bit , Looking into your eyes.
You just chuckled , Pushing a piece of hair behind Hanzo's ear.

" I just wanted to know if you would catch me. You did a good job Hanzo." You chuckled once again , Placing a kiss onto Hanzo's cheek. Hanzo just let out a deep breath , Holding you closer.

" You are ridiculous at times (Y/n)."

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