13: Gone

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Third Person POV:

"Two weeks! Two damn weeks and not a sign of her!" In an instant, the desk he had been working at was flipped on its back. Pens, pencils, a laptop, and stacks of papers went flying across the room. Giovanni had been trying everything he could to find his precious Rose but to no avail. She went in the house to make dinner and just disappeared.


Giovanni's Pov:

"Rose, what did you decide to have?" I made my way to the kitchen as Sebastian went to get his car and park it. I waited for a response but she didn't answer.

"Rose, come on. I'm too hungry to play hide and seek, If you don't come out now I will just have to eat you when I find you!" Not even a shuffle could be heard throughout the house.

"Rose? Come out now, this isn't funny!" Nothing. Panic began to set in as I started to realize what was happening. I searched the entire house front to back but there was no trace of her. Her clothes were all still put away in the closest and her grandmother's necklace was still sitting in the nightstand so obviously she didn't run.

"Hey, where did you guys go?" It was Sebastian, I forgot about him. I ran downstairs to meet him and tell him what was going on.

"Sebastian, It's Rose! She's-..."

"She's what?" I could see the panic build up in his eyes.

"She's gone." It came out barely above a whisper but still loud enough for him to hear. Sebastian took off around the house searching for her, but it was no use, she wasn't here. I sunk down to sit on the bottom step as I thought about what could have happened. I knew she had to have been taken, but by who? I had too many enemies out there to narrow the list down right now.

"Get up Gio! She is here somewhere, people don't just disappear!" Sebastian skidded to a halt right in front of me.

"She was kidnapped Seb. I just don't know who did it."


Gio's POV:

"Gio!" Sebastian burst into the room Both men had dark bags under their eyes from lack of sleep and poor eating habits as of late. Sebastian had been wearing the same grey track suit for three days, and Gio couldn't remember the last time he had showered.

"What?!" This is the sixth time Sebastian had popped up with useless information.

""I've got it this time! I know who took Rose!"

"Not again, Seb. I can't-"

"It was the Russians!"

"Alexander? No, He couldn't... He wouldn't dare." I slowly worked this out in his head, why would Alexander take Rose? How did he take her?

Alexander ran the Russian mob, he has been on my watch list for a few years now but I never thought he would actually make a move against me. I did know he was planning something a while back but I warned him not to cross me. I shouldn't be surprised honestly, I knew he was an idiot.

"Round up the guards, we're going to get my mate back."


Rose's POV:

When I first got taken, there was one guy that grabbed me but there were three others waiting in the car a few miles away from the house. I tried to fight back but my attempts were like that of a child against a weight lifter, I didn't stand a chance. I couldn't move once they put me in the car because they sat me in the middle between two guys who were giants compared to me. I begged them to take me back to Giovanni, at least I knew I was safe there. No one spoke other than occasionally telling me to shut up. When we got close to wherever we were going, they put a bag over my head for what felt like hours but was probably only five minutes or so.

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