4: When in Italy

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When Blake and I got back to the house we decided to stay up and play board games for a while and just talked. Blake disappeared to his room and came back with monopoly and a couple others to pick from.


"I take it we have a winner?" Blake chuckled as he sat the other games on the couch and placed monopoly on the floor between us. I called the cute little dog, he took the car, and the game began. We had popcorn and all kinds of candy and soda on hand for when we needed something during the game, neither of us were going to take our eyes off the board while the other one was there.

"Two years later and you win." Blake said in a bored tone. He wanted to quit an hour ago but the game wasn't over.

"It was only three hours, and I only won because you purposefully went bankrupt!" I laughed lightly at his expression. "Your loss though.'"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"The winner gets a prize!"

"And what exactly is the prize?" He questioned with a smirk.

"I don't know right now, I will let you know tomorrow." I saw a look of disappointment cross his face as I stood up to leave, but I figured he just wanted to get my prize out of the way so he didn't have to deal with it later on. I grabbed the trash and popcorn bowl from the floor and took them to the kitchen before heading upstairs to bed.

"Goodnight!" I yell downstairs to Blake.

"Goodnight!" I could hear him mumble something but I was to tired to care what it was.


Morning rolled around and midway through brushing my teeth I got an idea, I know what we are going to do today. Actually, what we are going to do for the next week or so. I quickly finished brushing my teeth before brushing out my hair and running over to Blake's room. I knocked on the door loudly, I don't know if he is a heavy sleeper or not.

"Blake! I have an idea!" I yelled as I continued to knock... more like beat on his door.

"Well, it probably won't be that good of one seeing as how not only am I not in my room, but your also knocking on the wrong door." Blake's voice came from the stairs behind me. I turned around to face him before looking around. Sure enough, I went to the room beside mine instead of the room across from mine.

"Ohh." was all I could mutter before he spoke again.

"So, what is it?" He looked at me like I had two heads before a smirk spread across his face.

"What?" I was talking about his face but he didn't get the point of my question.

"What is your suggestion."

"We are going on a road trip! I have it all mapped out, we can either start with Venice or end in Venice!" My face was beginning to hurt from the smiling I was doing.

"Where would we start if we wanted to stop in Venice?"

"So say we want to end our trip in Venice. We would start in Sicily, then to Pompeii and up into Naples from there. Then we will drive up to Rome, then to Florence. From Florence we will drive over to Pisa, and hit Bologna on our way up to Venice!" I was panting by the time I finished, I never remember to breath in the middle of my sentences. Blake was silent for a moment as we stared at each other.

"Okay. First off, your mispronounced half of those and second you might want to change though. I don't think they let people just galivant around without pants on." Blake's smirk turned into a full on grin as he turned around and walked back down stairs. I looked down and he was right, all I had on was my lacey black underwear and a light grey tank top. It got to hot last night so I slipped my fuzzy pajama pants off, I just forgot to put them back on. I mentally face palmed as I made my way back to my room.

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