Chapter 8

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  "I have a boyfriend." Julia suddenly confessed with a broad smile plastered on her face, shocking Maria.

"Goodness child!" Maria exclaimed, pulling Julia out of the kitchen to somewhere more private.

"What nonsense are you saying, child? What about Jeremy?" Maria asked making Julia frown.

"You know I only accepted to get married to him because of Papa, not because I love him," Julia replied.

"Oh dear," Maria muttered, feeling sorry for Julia.

"So?... Who's the young man that has captured my baby's heart?" She asked to cheer Julia from her sad mood.

The question made a blush rise to Julia's cheeks.

"His name is Craig," she excitedly said, but her mood dampened at the same time, making Maria worried as she could see the sadness in her eyes.

"What's wrong, child?" She asked feeling concerned and eager to know what made Julia's mood change from being happy to suddenly being sad.

"He had an accident and lost his sight" Julia replied with sadness in her voice.

Maria released a gasp at Julia's statement

"Poor thing"

"That's why I need your help, Nana"

"Okay. How can I be of help?"

"He leaves alone and does things by himself like cooking, but I don't like seeing him do that. I'm scared he might hurt himself someday, he says he's okay but he's not, he looks so helpless Nana. Can you please do me this favor by going to help him out... Please?" Julia pleaded

"But child, you know I can't just do that, that is leaving without giving your parents a good excuse and I can't lie to them" Maria replied making Julia understand that her suggestion was too risky

"Okay. I'll come up with an excuse... Maybe I'll tell Mama that a friend of mine is ill and has no one, so I offered to help by letting you go there" Julia suggested hoping that sounded convincing enough

"I don't know child" Maria replied, not very convinced about the whole idea

"Please, don't say no" Julia pleaded giving Maria puppy dog eyes, internally praying she would give in.

Maria gave her one last look before replying

"Okay," she said making Julia engulf her in a hug of excitement

"I'm only doing this for you... I just pray we don't get caught"

"And what do you mean by that?" Mrs Williams suddenly asked, startling both Julia and Maria. 

They stared at each other wondering how they didn't notice her walk-in

"Excuse me, ma'am," Maria said quickly leaving their presence

"Julia, what was Maria talking about?" Her mom asked for the second time

"It was nothing mama" Julia quietly replied

"Just a while ago, you two were talking about not getting caught and you say it's nothing?"

Julia didn't know if she should trust her mom enough to tell her what she had just disclosed to Maria. She was scared that her mum was going to tell her dad and that would get him mad at her, she didn't want that.

Mrs. Williams could see the nervous and contemplated look on her daughter's face, she guessed whatever it was they were talking about just a while ago must be serious to make Julia this nervous.

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