Chapter Eighteen*

Start from the beginning

"Nah, he took the car to go fûck some female I think."

Is he serious right now?

"Yeah so let's go get my mans girl", he hops in my car and shuts the door.

I shake my head and finish the walk to the drivers door. I hop in the drivers seat and put my keys in the ignition.

"So Makayla can I ask you something."

I glanced briefly at him and looked back at the road as i finally pulled off, "um yeah sure what's up?"

"How come you don't really talk about Nic's dad? I mean if it's a sensitive topic I totally get it and won't push."

Oh no.

This is not the question I want to hear, talk about or be asked right now.

Sighing as I pulled into a parking space at the daycare a few minutes later.

"Yes Nikolai has a father."

With that I got out of the car and walk to the door with Malcolm in tow.  We reached the door where I put my parent code in to enter the building.

A/N: I used to work at a daycare like this. Unauthorized access was not allowed. All parents, staff and owners had a code and it was all different.

Walking to the front desk I let the receptionist, Jane, know that I was here to pick up Nikolai.

"So what is his dad li-"


Looking at my little boy run to me totally brought a smile to my face.

"Bubba my baby how was school?"

"OH mama I had fun. I play. I color. I was line leader!" He said with so much excitement.

I giggled at him but knowing my boy I always gotta ask, "Nikolai look at mama please."

His eyes pierced into my own.

"Were you a good boy today no trouble right?"


"You know what that means right little homie," Malcolm decides to jump in.

"Uncle Mally!!!"

Nikolai got out my arms and jumped on Malcolm.

"Ice cream and park?"

"You got that right little homie, let's go!"

Malcolm held Nikolai football style and ran to the car. They are so extra when they are around each other.

* * *

Right now we are at the park. Nikolai and Malcolm are playing around while I watch them.

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