Moving on wasn't as simple as cutting ties with the one prompting the change, not when you still could feel him on your skin. Your heart still believed it belonged to Chanyeol, to someone who didn't want it and would never care for it like it deserved. You'd been foolish thinking he'd want more from your situation than what was obvious, but your emotions had gotten the best of you, leading you to where you were now. You felt damaged, not completely broken but definitely not as pristine as you'd been before him, a piece of you chipped off and lost with no replacement in sight. You didn't feel depressed, just not quite whole, and it irritated you beyond belief that your heart seemed to think Chanyeol was the missing part.

"Are you ready to go in?" Jongin's voice drew you out of your trance as he shifted, his fingers slipping up and down your bare back before he reached into the passenger seat to find your shirt. Your eyes wandered along his profile that glowed in the faint light flowing through the window, his hair falling in his face as he gripped what he'd been searching for.

"I don't know." You sighed and licked your swollen lips, taking the shirt from his hands and pulling it down over your messy hair, it sticking uncomfortably to your warm skin. "Seeing him is going to suck regardless of if I'm ready or not, honestly."

His head bobbed in understanding as he gripped his soft yellow sweater, starting to pull it back on over his flawless golden skin. He looked incredible, his lips parted and shiny from their previous actions, hair wild even after he tried to brush it away with his fingertips.

"It'll be okay, I'll be here." His voice was soothing to your growing nerves as he stretched his arms out, unlocking the car door and letting your body slip out first, shoes crunching on the pebble driveway.

Midterms had ended last week, prompting everyone to agree to a few days at a cabin a couple hours out of the city. In theory, a weekend away sounded fantastic, like an escape from the stress of school and work, a break from the painful reminders that encapsulated the city you resided in. In actuality, the emotions would still be buried within your chest, pounding to the surface whenever you were in the vicinity of the person causing the pain to begin with. You'd debated not going, but you didn't want Chanyeol to win. You didn't want him to have ruined your other relationships, to let him control when you did and didn't spend time with the boys that were just as much your friends as they were his.

Your fingers haphazardly pushed your hair back behind your ears as you moved around to the trunk to grab your bags, Jongin following behind with the car keys jingling between his fingers. The two of you had agreed to ride up together and get dinner for everyone along the way, Jongin having had a last practice to attend before leaving, yourself stuck at work for hours. You'd pulled into the driveway about fifteen minutes ago, your nerves only alleviating slightly when you pulled Jongin into a kiss that led to a rather heated makeout session.

Your fingertips skimmed the surface of the roughed up duffle bag, tossing it over your shoulder and letting your eyes wander over Chanyeol's car, which was parked near by. In a flash you could picture Chanyeol over top of you in the backseat, smiling into your skin and squeezing your fingers between his. You missed how his body felt when it was moving against yours, missed how his voice sounded when he whispered huskily in your ear while his hands gripped every inch of skin he could reach. You could still swear you smelled his cologne when you walked into your room late at night, like the memory was mocking you and making your skin erupt in goosebumps

Jongin's bag easily was balanced with the bags of food he insisted on carrying, letting you shut the trunk before the car locked with a loud beep. You took a quick glance in the side mirror, not wanting it to be completely obvious you'd just nearly fucked him in the front seat of his car. You looked put together besides how flushed pink your lips were, puffy from the friction of his mouth against them. You straightened yourself out, nodding once in reassurance before grabbing your bag more firmly and walking in time behind Jongin's tall frame. He shot you a calm smile over his shoulder as he jiggled the doorknob open, the warmth of inside welcome when a cool breeze hit your back.

Bruise (Chanyeol Angst) by peachykaix Where stories live. Discover now