Missing You Part 5

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Claire smiled as she headed downstairs having checked on Grace who was sound asleep tucked up in the guest room clutching her doll. "She okay?" Nina asked as she had put down them both a cup of tea on the coffee table, an episode of Desperate Housewives on TV. "Yeah sound asleep, god I'm going to miss them when they go. I wish Faye would consider staying though I get she has a good set up in New York." Claire said softly as she sat down.
"Well I'm sure she'll be more than happy to have you stay at some point. When you get past your treatment. It'd do you good." Nina said gently as Claire weakly smiled.
"Maybe hmm." She smiled as she moved Grace's cardigan from the sofa.
"So Lee and Faye, I thought he had a girlfriend." Nina said as Claire shuffled slightly.
"He does, though if I'm honest I'm not sure Soph is right for him. She seems a bit fame hungry. Wanting to go to premiers and stuff. Lee's not that interested in all of that." She said honestly. If anything she and Lisa both had reservations about Lee's current partner. Sophie was a model but seemed to have very little in common with their friend. "It's not a date though. They just need to go over a few things." She said as she settled down taking her warm cup in her hands. 

Faye's blue eyes were wet with tears as she could barely hear what was been said. Someone had gently placed a rough blanket round her shoulders and she was mildly aware the paramedics were now here but everything seemed in a blur. "Miss, are you hurt anywhere?" A gentle voice asked as she shook her head.
"N..no he...he made sure I was alright. He was protecting me." Faye whispered in a shaky voice as there was a flash from the corner. "Oi mate, no pictures hey." A barman said as the young man simply shrugged. "Are you his girlfriend?"
"Erm no...no we're friends. Can..can I come with him?" Faye asked helplessly. The paramedic nodded. "Yeah, you can tell me more about your 'friend' in the ambulance on route. You don't happen to know his blood type do you?"
"No bu..but I can find out for you." Faye said realising that if he had lost blood and needed a transfusion then they'd need the blood type as soon as possible. 

Nina looked a little alarmed as the phone rang on the side. "Who on earth rings at this time?" She ventured as she went to get the phone hoping the ringing hadn't woken Grace up. "Hello?...... Faye calm down love, what's up? ................. You what? Erm yeah I do one moment." Nina grabbed her address book and found the number she was looking for. "Have you got something to write it down on? Okay it's 01552 834211, that's their home number. I haven't any other." Nina said as Claire had turned to listen to the conversation. "Do you want one of us to come to the hospital?" Nina asked gently as Claire found herself fretting over what had happened. "Okay love, you take care." She ended the call and turned to Claire. "Sweetheart, Faye said tha...that there was an incident in the restaurant this evening. Lee confronted a male or something an..and well he was glassed in the chest. He's at St Luke's in the A&E. Faye said he likely will need blood transfusions and well she didn't know his blood type. She wanted to ring his folks and let them know what happened as well as finding out the type." Nina said as Claire sat quietly digesting what she was been told. 

Hours later Faye sat outside the operating theatre having delivered the news to Lee's family who had stated they were going to drive down as soon as the call ended. She was chewing a nail in a nervy manner, trying to be positive about the outcome. "You know you should go home, it'll be a while yet." A young nurse said with a gentle smile to the distressed young woman. 
"I can't leave him." Faye said softly as she looked up as the doors opened and Lee's parents made their way in. "I'm his mother, can you tell me what's happened?" She asked the young nurse who nodded and went to get some paperwork. Billy looked at Faye and sighed. "You know, I always wished he'd find you again an...and now he has and this happens."
"He didn't find me, I came back to see Claire. He just happened to be visiting her. An..and what do you mean you wished he'd find me?" Faye asked.
"He loved you, it broke him watching you with Jesper. He just wanted you to be happy." Billy said slightly less angrily seeing the tearful expression on the blondes face. "Billy, not now. Faye what happened?" Stella asked taking Faye's hand in hers gently and giving it a slight squeeze. "W...we were having dinner, this guy was been loud and obnoxious by the bar, touching this young waitress and well Lee, he told him to stop and leave her alone. The guy did but then came over to our table an...and well his hands were a bit wandering an..and he was saying stuff, Lee lost it an..and he punched him. The guy retaliated by smashing a bottle an...and ..." Faye trailed off still picturing the image. 

Stella sat by Lee's bedside as the heart monitor beeped besides it. He was still unconscious but the doctor thought he would be coming round soon and whilst there had been scarring to his lung thankfully it had not been punctured. Her attention was caught as she heard soft splutters and coughs. "Oh darling." She said as Lee came round from his operation. "Fa..Faye?" He asked blinking repeatedly.
"She's okay, by all means you were a bit of a hero to two ladies." Stella said as she went to offer her son a glass of water. "Wh..what happened?"
"You were glassed pet. In the chest, they worried you had a punctured lung but thankfully it's slightly scared but not punctured." Stella said as Lee looked up as his current girlfriend wandered into the room. "So I was thinking we could have the magazine interview when we get back home, they want photos." She babbled as Stella looked at her agog.
"What are you on about?"
"The story, it's in the papers now and well I spoke with one of the glossy mags and they really are interested tho..though I'm intrigued 'cause apparently you were with a blonde at the table?" She said as Lee tried to sit up in the bed. Stella rolled her eyes slightly at the slender brunette. 

"Faye you can't just go." Lisa said as she glanced to Claire who was stood nervously in the doorway. Faye had tearfully stated she and Grace were going to head back to the US feeling she was responsible for Lee been in a hospital bed. "Why not, he was perfectly fine before I came back. I just mess everything up." She said as she folded one of Grace's tops. "I really appreciate you having me stay Clara bu...but I can't face his folks. Billy was so angry with me an..and I can't blame him. If I thought anyone was ever responsible for harming Grace th..then I'd feel the same." Faye said as Grace was sat downstairs with H who had stated Faye wasn't going back to the USA without him seeing her. Grace had been a shock to him but he seemed to be in his element sat reading to the little girl and doing voices as he read. "Bu..but just leaving like this. Wh..what if he asks to see you."
"Why would he even want that." Faye said tucking a loose curl behind her ear.
"Because even if you refuse to see it, the guy adores you. He did even before knowing about Grace an..and well if she is his, then you can't just never see him. That wouldn't be fair and it wouldn't be the Faye I know either." Lisa said gently but firmly. She didn't often go into older sister mode but for once it felt like the time to do so. 

"Why hasn't she been to see me?" Lee asked his mother who sighed. It had been 2 days since she and Billy had driven down to the hospital and other than seeing Faye when they arrived they hadn't seen her since. "I think perhaps she feels responsible, not that she is bu..but well...." Stella said as Lee furrowed his brow.
"I guess. Mum, will you ask her to come and see me?" Lee said hopefully.
"I can try I suppose bu..but don't be disheartened if she doesn't want to." Stella said gently. 

"Grace come on sweetheart." Faye said as she put the passports in her bag by the door. Claire found herself wiping away tears as she watched Grace pout slightly. "But Mummy I don't wanna." She said as Nina bit her lower lip watching the little girl sniff as she picked up her doll. "I know baby, I know bu..but.."
"But what? You don't want to go Faye, not really." H said softly as he gently squeezed Faye's shoulder. "I have to." Faye said as she held Grace's jacket for her daughter. "Say bye to everyone Gracie." She said biting her lip so she didn't cry herself. Nina pressed a kiss to the small girl's cheek. "You be good for your Mum, give her lots of hugs hmm." She said as Grace nodded her curls bouncing lightly. "C'mon here you little rascal." H said ruffling Grace's hair as she giggled and wrapped her arms round his neck. She was exceptionally affectionate. "Right little Miss, you remember to practise your dancing and send me videos hmm." Lisa said softly as she scooted down to Grace's height having hugged Faye goodbye. "Why you all crying?" Grace asked perplexed as she was hugged by Lisa tightly. Claire gulped as she prepared to say goodbye. She kissed Faye's cheek lightly, tears spilling as she knew there was ever the possibility that if the treatment didn't take then this might be the last time she saw her. "Come here sweetie." Claire said as she hoisted Grace up into her arms. "You are so like your Mummy, you know that. That same big smile and sweet nature. Don't you ever change." She said as Grace nestled her head against Claire. "I wanna stay here." She said in a small voice as Faye let out a small sob. 
"I wish you could petal, but your Mummy needs to go. You look after her hmm. She needs your cuddles and kisses." Claire said as Grace nodded. 

The taxi departed and Claire sighed softly as the vehicle headed out of view. "Well I guess that's it. I really thought they might have had a chance." She said as Lisa shrugged.
"Who knows. God I'm going to miss her. That was harder than I thought."
"Well she might be back sooner than you think." H said as Lisa's brown eyes and Claire's green one's flickered towards him. "What are you on about?"
"Well they probably need this for travelling." He said as he held Grace's passport in his hand.

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