Missing You Part 3

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Probably will have another 2 or even 3 parts to this, I kind of went slightly off track with this chapter and so it didn't get as far into the story as I hoped. However I adore writing Grace, I had a short stint as a nursery nurse a few years ago and the ages 3-5 are brilliant. Such little personalities, and they say exactly how they feel. 

Hope you enjoy and stay safe everyone! 

Faye leaned against the wall in the hallway blinking back a wave of tears. She hated the slightly resigned tone of her daughter's voice and wished she could give Grace what she wanted. However her experience with Jesper had left her somewhat mistrustful of most men and besides she had been adamant that any guy would have to be aware he would never come first. Grace was her priority and her happiness paramount, so if it meant her love life had to be put on hold then so be it. She had never really thought of the fact Grace might want a father in her life. "Faye?" Lee spoke softly as he took in his former bandmate's expression. She met his eyes and gave a weak smile. He patted the top step urging her to take a seat. She hesitated initially but eventually took a seat and toyed with a loose thread on her top. "Listen I'm sorry for been a bit off with you." Lee said as Faye bobbed her head.
"I guess I should've expected it. I did run out on you all." She mused. "I'm still glad I came. Even if it isn't in the best of circumstances." She mused as Lee looked down.
"Seeing you and Grace probably has given her a boost. I mean she's likely bored of seeing me, Lise and H." Lee said as Faye managed a smile. "Plus, I reckon it's pretty hard to be down when you're in the company of that little one. She's definitely your daughter. Talks non-stop and has a wide smile on her face." Lee said as Faye sniffed.

"So if I'm taking you and your Mummy out for lunch what food do you like?" Claire asked as she ran her fingers through Grace's blonde waves. She wished that Faye had come back sooner, it ached that Grace would only know them through what Faye had told her. "I like pasta and pizza best, but I like Chilli too. Mummy's not very good at cooking though." Grace said in a whisper as Claire chuckled. "Well thankfully my Mum's good and I think she was making Spaghetti Bolognese for my tea, and yours I guess."
"We stay here?" Grace asked with wide eyes. 
"I think so darlin'." Claire said as she found her spirits lifted by the little girl.

"That day at your wedding, I never intended to make you feel you needed to run away. That was the last thing I would have wanted. Then for you to be alone, fall pregnant an..and well raise a little girl by yourself. You should have come back." Lee said as Faye chewed her lip slightly awkwardly. "Lee, I didn't fall pregnant when I left. I already was." She said softly as she wandered if Lee would figure out there was a slight, miniscule chance that Grace might be his. Lee furrowed his brow thoughtfully as he processed what she'd said. "Wh...when's her birthday?"
"April 6th." Faye said as Lee nodded and she could see him trying in vain to do the maths in his head. "There's a chance Lee, the slightest chance but me and you was a one-night thing. She's more than likely Jesper's." She said gently waiting for Lee to get angry with her. Lee looked thoughtful. "She's you Faye, nothing to do with that man regardless. If...if she is mine wh..what then?" Lee asked.
"I don't know. We're happy Lee, I have my own dance school in New York, I love it there an..and Grace loves her school and her friends."
"You can't keep her from me."
"You don't even know if she's yours." Faye said loudly as Lee arched an eyebrow.
"And whose fault is that hmm! Believe me Faye, if she is mine I want to be involved." Lee said as Faye nodded knowing that it was never going to be a good time to inform Lee there was a chance he was Grace's Dad. 

"So you going to let Jesper know about Grace?" Dorothy asked a few days after the birth, she, Angus and Clare had all flown over to help Faye settle in with the new-born and try and persuade her to return to the UK. "I don't want him to know about her. I don't want him involved." Faye said firmly as Angus looked genuinely concerned at his daughter's steadfast declaration. "Sweetheart, did he ever hurt you like he did on your wedding day?" He ventured as Faye shook her head, more preoccupied with kissing the soft head of her daughter who was held gently in her arms, Grace's head burrowed against her shoulder. "Not that way no, more, more psychologically. He told me I needed to lose weight, that I was irritating and stupid. That his friend's thought he was mad dating me." Faye said softly.
"Why did you stay with him?" Clare asked.
"Because after so many times of hearing it, you start to believe it. That no one else would want you." Faye said as she sighed.
"So wh..what changed? Why wait until the day of your wedding? There can't have been an.." Clare trailed off. "Lee, he came to speak with you. What did he say?" She ventured as Faye's blue eyes flickered. "As if it matters."
"It clearly did to him at least, needing to speak with you right then." Clare said as Faye rolled her eyes. "Faye, sweetheart I know you got this apartment an..and things but seriously, you can't want to stay here. You should be near us, she's our granddaughter." Dorothy said as Faye shook her head. "She's my daughter and right now I want to stay here, I don't want paps taking my photo or hers. Tabloid fodder at the doorstep. I'm happy Mam. You can come and visit whenever an..and well I'll ring every week and send you photos and videos." Faye said as Grace grabbed a stray curl and tugged it in her tiny hand. 

Alphabet StepsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora