Excitement, Enjoyment and who the hell are Belle And Sebastian?

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Based on the Brits where Steps had been touted as been the clear winners in the 1999 newcomers category but lost  out to relatively unknown band Belle and Sebastian. They also preformed in a 'supergroup' a medley of Abba songs to celebrate 25 years since Waterloo at the Eurovision Song Contest. An idea put forward by XTabithaNala hope you enjoy. 

H beamed as he looked at the large circular table in the middle of the floor. "Look at this it's a bit better than last year." He commented as Lisa giggled slightly recalling the fact they were forced to share a table with some insufferable indie band who took themselves far too seriously at last years Brit awards. This year they were preforming as part of the Abba Medley and had been given a table close to the stage as they were up for an award for best newcomers and it was strongly suggested they would walk away with the award. "Hey what are you balking at?" Claire asked as Faye gaped slightly and looked in awe.
"Bowie." She breathed as Lee followed her gaze and smiled.
"Someone's a little star struck I think." He said as merely ten feet away stood the musician David Bowie. "Faye, you'll scare the poor bloke staring like that." Lee said gently as H laughed loudly watching his usually elegant bandmate seemingly turn into a complete fangirl. 

"Faye can I borrow some blusher, I swear the woman's trying to make me look like a clown." Claire said as she had rubbed off the make up artists attempts to do her up." Faye rummaged through her bag and found her blusher pallet. "You know give me a few minutes and I'll do your make up." She said as she applied another layer of mascara to her lashes. The rehearsals had gone well for the supergroup, they along with Billie, Cleopatra and Bewitched were doing a megamix of Abba hits and they were preforming in the early part of the show. Lisa was donning a minidress in white whilst Faye and Claire had opted for white trousers with different tops. Faye's toned stomach was highlighted by her cropped top. "Looking gorgeous ladies." H said with a smile as Claire rolled her eyes.
"You stay away from the snack table. I swear you in white is not a good idea." She mused noting he already had a slightly marked cuff on the shirt he was wearing. H simply shrugged and eyed the fact that Lee was half-way through getting his shirt on. "Not sure Benny or Bjorn had the abs like you have mate." He muttered as Lisa shook her head at him as Lee simply rolled his eyes.
"....so I thank ABBA for the music, for giving it to me." They finished the song and listened to the wide applause. Sure it was kitsch and cheesy but whatever the music snobs might say ABBA had been pivotal in Pop Music through the 70's and 80's. Hell Pete Waterman had practically made One For Sorrow in the mold of Winner Takes It All stating it was in his mind a pop masterpiece. Going backstage they went to put on their own outfits. "Woah Claire those shoes are stunning." Lisa said as Claire slipped on a pair of nude heels with diamante trim. "Oh thanks. I got them and they were lying in the back of my wardrobe. I thought I should try and wear them. Though they're not exactly comfortable. I wish I could stick flats on." Claire mused as Faye looked at her in shock. "Clara you wouldn't!"
"No, just wish I could. Or I could be like one of those indie lasses and just wear bare feet." Claire said as H chuckled at her clear discomfort. 

"And the winners of the Newcomer Award is ...." The announcer opened the envelope and smiled. "Belle and Sebastian." Lisa furrowed her brow slightly seemingly confused. 
"What?" H said dumbfounded as Claire looked dismayed. 
"Guys just clap and smile." Jesper urged as he looked at his upset girlfriend and put his arm round her slender shoulders. "B..but..." Faye stammered as she simply clapped hoping the camera's wouldn't focus on their table as for all the will of the world right now they all looked utterly deflated at losing out on the award. It really shouldn't have been that much of a surprise, the Brit was voted on by Radio 1 listeners after all. 

"Lise calm down." Lee said in a gentle tone as Lisa hiccupped after another swig of the free champagne. "Oh stop been so dull." Lisa retorted as Faye was sat drumming her fingers against the table cloth seemingly dancing in her chair as Kylie preformed. "Look I know we're all disappointed that we didn't win the newcomer award but drinking like alcohols going out of fashion won't help." Lee said sensibly as H furrowed his brow slightly.
"Who are Belle and Sebastian anyway?" He ventured as Claire nodded along.
"Yeah who are they, I've never even heard of them until tonight. Like I could understand if we lost to Five or Billie bu...but I've heard of them. Are you sure they're even a band?" Claire said having had more than her own fair share of the free champers, and unlike Faye and Lisa who were party animals Claire needed less than two glasses to be clearly in a drunken state. "They're a band." Lee said as he rather wished he had asked along Emma, the girl he currently was seeing on a very casual basis. He was growing tired of watching Faye giggling and kissing her boyfriend Jesper. That and Lisa's new squeeze Johnny, one of their dancers seemed to be glued to Lisa's side. He was happy for the girls but it didn't make him feel any better. Still he supposed it wasn't all bad, his eyes fixed on the stage where Kylie wearing a very scanty outfit preformed. He smiled slightly recalling having posters of her on his wall when he was younger maybe the pop star life wasn't so bad after all. 

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