Hospitals and Honesty

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"H quit messing about." Faye said shortly to her bandmate who had grown tired of rehersals and was making up his own dance routines much to the choreographers annoyance. "Well it's boring, we know this routine already." H bounced on the balls of his feet and slightly lost his footing stumbling into Faye sending her crashing to the floor. "Oww H!" Faye yelled as Claire bound over to help her bandmate up. Lisa bit her lower lip shaking her head at H though with a mischevious sparkle in her eyes. She soon lost the sparkle when Faye stood up with Claire's help only to yelp again in pain. Lee set down his bottle of water and headed over to where Faye was hobbling with Claire's support. "Claire I've got her. Can you grab a chair, let's see what's going on." 

"I think it's twisted a little. I was turning as H knocked into me." Faye said as H looked down slightly. "Sorry Faye I never meant for you to get hurt." H said awkwardly. Lee meanwhile had removed Faye's trainer and smiled at the polka dot socks she was sporting. Gently peeling away the trainer sock he could see already a slight swell to the ankle.
"We need to get that seen to, hopefully it's just a slight swelling but if you've twisted it then we need to get it looked at and treated." He said as Faye's blue eyes widened.
"Bu..but the tour."
"Faye you have to go get it checked. God forbid you try and dance with a possible broken ankle." Claire said as H paled at the possibility he could have caused his bandmate such an injury, "She's right." Lisa said not looking at her friend's ankle knowing if it was slightly twisted it would cause horrific injury if she danced on it. "Fine. But it's probably okay." 

Lee scooped her up from the chair emitting a slight giggle from his friend. "Get you, knight in shining armour." H teased as Lee glowered at him.
"You best hope she's not badly hurt. Tim will go mad if she can't dance for a while." Claire said as she gathered Faye's coat and bag up. "Do you want me to drop you off at the hospital. Saves you paying the car park fees." She ventured as Lee nodded.
"Thanks Clara."
"Well if we have 2 of the group heading off it's pointless for us to continue really. Though H we could run through your solo again." Paul the Choreographer ventured.

"I can't believe H honestly. I know he gets bored easily but still..." Claire said as she waited at some lights. "You okay Fuf?" She asked. Lee had suggested she lie in the backseat not sure what damage she might have done to her foot. Propping it up seemed a suitable idea so he sat besides her applying a cold compress to the injury. "I swear you fuss too much. I'm sure all the doctor will say is to rest it." Faye said slightly worried about the possibility it might be more injured than she thought. Dancing was a major part of their USP and she could hardly sit on the sidelines through the tour or perform the routines with crutches, her ankle in pot. "Well best to check hmm." Lee said as Claire braked hard as a car seemingly shot in front of her as the lights changed. "Sorry guys, tha idiot decided to run the red light their side. You okay?" Claire asked as Lee nodded but Faye winced slightly.
"And that's why we need to get this checked out." Lee said as he noted slight tears in his bandmates blue eyes.

"Right call me if you want a lift back. Faye if it is badly hurt stay with me hmm. I don't want to think of you trying to manage on your own with an injury." Claire said as Lee had grabbed a wheelchair sensing it would help Faye a little. He just hoped they could be incognito for a while. It helped somewhat his bandmate no longer had her bleached dreadlocks. No instead she was sporting longer curls which put him in mind of a Disney Princess. They were messily tied up in a ponytail for rehersals and she was wearing a pair of leggings and a vest top though he had slipped his hoodie over her shoulders. "Thanks Clara. I'll ring when we know more." Lee said as Claire nodded.

"Hi, my friend she's knocked her ankle quite badly, we think it might be twisted but it was quite painful on impact. We put a cold compress on but it looks quite swollen." Lee explained as the receptionist seemed to recognise him. "'re in that band right."
"Look I really need someone to check over Faye." Lee said as the receptionist slowly took the details, seemingly gaping at him throughout. "If you wait over there someone should see you from triage in the next hour or so."
"Here you go." Lee said handing Faye a bottle of water from the vending machine. She looked sightly worried as she sat leafing through a magazine, hoping it might mean she could avoid the stares from other people waiting to see a doctor. "Wh..what if it is broken? The fans will be so disappointed an..and well do we cancel we do it and I just sit in a chair." She said as Lee smirked slightly at the notion.
"You could sit in the middle and we'll dance round you." He mused as she bit her lip slightly.
"I don't want that. I want to dance, I love dancing."
"I know you do." Lee said gently as he stroked a hand through her hair, his hand resting on her cheek. "We'll delay the tour, it wouldn't be right without you anyway. Me or Lise we could probably be missing but you're pretty important." Lee mused as Faye shot him a look. The recent division of lyrics was still at times a sore spot for Lisa and Lee who seemed to be given the least amount of lyrics to perform. "Don't be like that. We're all important, no matter what management think." Faye said gently as she bit her lower lip.

"Okay Miss Tozer, you have sprained the ankle, which whilst not as bad as a broken ankle will require some rest and recovery."
"But nothing young lady. I understand you have a job which requires you move around however if you try and dance on this ankle you could cause more damage. I appreciate this isn't ideal but I need you to have as little impact on that ankle for the next 4 weeks as possible. I'm going to issue some crutches and prescribe some anti-inflammataries to keep the swelling down." The doctor said as Faye looked on the verge of tears. "Hey it's okay, shush." Lee said gently as he knelt down besides Faye and rubbed her knee gently. "It's not okay, My stupid ankle." Faye said angrily. "Stupid H more like. Seriously." Lee said shaking his head.

"You know Claire said I should stay at hers, well can..can I stay with you? Don't get me wrong I adore Claire I do bu..but she'll fuss and then I'll end up saying something which I won't mean but still..." Faye said as they waited for a taxi. Lee smiled at her.
"She can be a little overbearing at times. Course you can stay." He said his heart fluttering slightly at the thought of having her stay at his home. "We should let the opthers know so they won't be too shocked when I show up with these." Faye said gesturing to the crutches.

Lee smiled as Faye drifted off lay on the sofa watching an episode of Friends. He sighed slightly as he watched Chandler seemingly become tongue tied around an attractive woman, it was him all over. After Faye had split up with her partner he had been desperate to tell her how he felt. But in the back of his head he didn't want to ruin the close bond they had if she didn't reciprocate his feelings. She let out a little sigh as she slumbered and he got up placing a blanket over her sleeping form. Planting a gentle kiss to her temple he sighed slightly. "I love you Faye an..and someday I'll work up the courage to tell you." 

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